Your Kids Will Love The Lucky Pot

The lucky jar is a great place to keep positive messages, allowing us to tell our loved ones every day how important they are to us.
Your kids will love the lucky jar

Some people say that happiness is as fragile as crystal. Crystal that is cared for daily, however, will sparkle radiantly. It’s about protecting it.

So to take care of such a valuable aspect of our lives, we need to make loving gestures every day. We need to know how to schedule showing our love and not just express it spontaneously.

One way to do this is to take the suggestions in this article to heart.

We call it ‘the lucky jar.’ Using the lucky pot is a motivational technique that usually leads to very good results with small groups of people. You can use this technique, for example, in a class, workgroup and of course especially in the family.

The goal is simple: fill the jar daily with positive thoughts about each other.

These should be original thoughts, phrases and feelings or encouraging, loving and inspiring messages.

Below we explain how you can use the lucky pot and we tell you what advantages this technique offers.

Make use of your emotional intelligence

The Lucky Jar That Is Full Of Positive Messages

Sometimes it is difficult in our daily life to find the right time to tell our loved ones how much we care about them. This is especially true for our parents, children and our partner.

It takes effort and it is not always easy to find the right words to express our feelings.

The lucky pot can make this a little easier. Because through the lucky jar we have to use our emotional intelligence every day to learn to better express our positive emotions.

Some simple statements that we can use for this are:

  • I’m proud of how you handled that problem you faced.
  • I love when you smile. You are really very special.
  • Thank you for that kind gesture yesterday. You are very important in my life.
  • I thought about you a lot at work today. I was really looking forward to coming home and seeing you.
  • I’m sorry I made you angry yesterday. Sometimes I don’t think before I speak and afterwards I always very much regret it. I want you to know that you are the most beautiful part of my life.

The lucky pot promotes the growth process of children

Girl With A White Flower In Her Hands That She Wants To Put In The Lucky Jar

The lucky jar is a good strategy to use in raising our children. This strategy will help them in the following ways:

  • They can receive positive support every day, which will help them grow and mature.

“I’m proud of how well you do your best in school,” “I’m very happy that you take responsibility for your own things,” “Don’t worry about that mistake you made, your mom and dad trust you and know you will do better next timeā€¦’

It is also the intention that our children come up with small messages for us. Thus, they will be obliged to reflect on certain events, express their emotions and analyze their emotional world.

Moreover, the fact that the lucky jar emphasizes positivity is enough in itself. This is something that motivates children and provides a sense of security when they need it most.

We give meaning to the beautiful little things

Small gestures make people happy. These are small acts that are full of love and genuine care. It’s about knowing what we need and what we like.

The lucky jar is a place where we can keep all these little gestures. It’s the place where we get a thank you for who we are or where we can hear that someone likes to be by our side.

They are short, simple expressions that can make our lives more pleasant, brighten up our days, and motivate us.

A Glass Jar With A Heart On It Used As A Family's Happiness Jar

We cultivate gratitude

Within a family, many things are often just taken for granted. We think that the things our partner does are just normal and natural.

We tell ourselves that our mother, grandfather or siblings do certain things for us because that is normal in a family.

However, when we take things for granted, all magic is lost. At the same time, the person who does these sweet things for us may be disappointed with our response. Or he or she may not feel appreciated enough.

Therefore, we should never forget to say ‘thank you’, to leave a note saying ‘I love you’ for our loved ones or to remind our loved ones that we don’t know what we would do without them.

These are simple things that pay off a lot.

We focus on the positive

The Happiness Jar Of A Family

All kinds of small problems such as fatigue and stress occur in our daily lives. It’s the stress that forces us to run around like a headless chicken without paying attention to the people around us and the things that really matter. Because of this, we sometimes forget to express our appreciation.

  • The purpose of the messages we put in the happiness jar every day is to keep us busy with the positive.
  • When we do this, we change our attitude. We no longer give so much importance to the things that bother us or worry us. We focus instead on the good and our loved ones, reminding ourselves how much we love them and what makes us happy.

Finally, we recommend that you try this at home, together with your children. Choose a beautiful glass jar, decorate it and start filling it with all kinds of wonderful, positive messages today.

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