You Can Grow Old Happily With These Tips

Her name is Margaret Manning and she shares tips to help people grow old happily. When she turned 60 herself, she told herself it was time to do something enriching, something that could help others at the same time. She decided to quit her current job and set up a project called ‘Sixty and I’, an association for women over sixty.
You can grow old happily with these tips

Any woman who wishes can leave a testimony of her life on Ms. Manning’s website, about the things she has been through, the things she has learned, etc.

At the same time, Margaret Manning is also focusing on another project: one that aims to ensure that young women stop worrying about the fact that they begin to ‘wrinkle’ as time goes by; to make us better people and help us grow old happily.

Margaret explains that she was amazed at the number of people, especially women, who felt as though they had lost their youth from their thirties.

That’s why she’s put together this series of tips for anyone in their thirties who is dealing with a minor existential crisis, that is, anyone who, after their thirties, began to question whether their life has meaning, value, or purpose.

If this is the case for you, if you are between 30 and 50 years old, read the instructional tips below. They will no doubt make you think.

Tips from a 60-year-old woman for those who are younger

  • Always remember one thing: you only have one life, so don’t waste your time being unhappy or worrying about things that don’t really matter.
  • Always look on the bright side. Be positive.
  • Value the present, the ‘here and now’. Only this is important.
  • Live every day to the fullest and enjoy the little things every day.
  • Remember that your life can change in an instant. If you’re living in the moment, whether you’re 30 or 60, it’s important to do everything you do with passion and zest.
  • Enjoy nature and your free time. Do not tie your life to unnecessary chains.
  • Look for work that you really enjoy. If this really isn’t possible, at least try to find a hobby that makes you happy and fulfills you.
  • Always be yourself, not who others want you to be. Thus, you will grow old with dignity.
  • Grow old in a positive way. Don’t try to escape the passage of time  and don’t get obsessed with hiding the signs of aging like the wrinkles around your eyes. Do not be afraid. Be happy with every year that passes.
  • You are more than just your age. You are more than just 32 or 42 years old.
  • Always be honest with yourself. Aging is a slow process from which you can learn a lot. However, it is also an adventure that deserves effort. And if you are able to view aging in this way, you will always look attractive.

Keep beautiful memories

  • Keep the beautiful memories in your life and don’t bind yourself by holding on to the negative experiences. This will make you sick inside and this will be visible in your outer beauty.
  • Virginia Woolf was right, but only half way. A woman needs her own place to feel independent and fulfilled, but she also needs an income.
  • Put aside the stereotypes that society throws into the world regarding aging. Forget them completely.
  • What’s the use of worrying about getting older? You better worry about boredom.
  • Be well aware that time will pass anyway, whether you like it or not. So start taking advantage of this time and living!
  • Let yourself be inspired every day.  Travel, learn, develop, read… Lead a simple, yet fulfilling life.
  • Don’t waste money on shoes; men don’t pay attention to your feet.

Find the company of people who appreciate you

  • Don’t fill your life with people who don’t appreciate you and who just cause you trouble.
  • Always be yourself, sparkle, radiate happiness and be aware of every day of your life.
  • Why should you be obsessed with wrinkles? Your wrinkles are the map of your life;  so wear them with dignity.
  • Live your life with intensity and enjoy love in all its facets.
  • Offer unconditional love to those around you . And learn to receive the same kind of love.
  • Start having children when you want to: there’s no such thing as an appropriate time or age, no one should force you into it, and you shouldn’t get carried away by what society tells you. You are in control of your own body and mind.
  • You grow old happily by developing empathy.
  • Learn to forgive. Don’t let resentment or hatred breed in your heart. Because of this, you will grow old in the most negative way.

Happy old age, some more tips!

  • Aging happily becomes easier when you create a good circle of intimate friendships.
  • Do not go to sleep at night burdened by problems and anger.
  • If you have developed a negative relationship with someone, leave this relationship behind as soon as possible.
  • Smile every day, take care of your skin and watch what you eat.
  • Trust your own gut feeling, your intuition.
  • Don’t be obsessed with being the perfect mom. Simply love your children and help them in an unconditional way.
  • Always be a warrior, learn to be self-sufficient and develop your own resources.
  • Do n’t let yourself be dominated by fear.
  • Don’t ever let anyone tell you you’re too old for anything. This is not true!
  • Be grateful every day, because there is always something to learn, even from negative things. If you live each day with courage, simplicity and fullness, the years will pass with integrity. And if you’re doing well on the inside, it will show on the outside. Continue to be a valuable woman.

We’re sure many of these tips have got you thinking. So try to always keep these tips in mind and not forget them so that you can put them into practice. There is absolutely no reason to be afraid of the years that pass.  The only thing you might fear is not living a truly happy life.

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