Why Do I Have Tender Or Painful Breasts?

Sensitive or painful breasts can have various causes. Therefore, seek advice from your doctor to rule out any serious problems.
Why do I have tender or painful breasts?

Sensitive or painful breasts can have various causes. Therefore, seek advice from your doctor to rule out any serious problems. In this article we treat sore breasts that are caused by hormones, growth or allergies.

We also discuss some medicinal plants that can help you naturally, without any risk of side effects.

muscle strain

Especially in young girls – although it can occur at any age – chest pain is actually a muscle pain. This can happen when you train your chest muscles, for example. In young girls it can happen during adolescence. The breasts then start to grow and this can cause discomfort.

A doctor has to decide if there is nothing more serious going on. If it also finds complications with your pectoral muscles, you can remedy this with a magnesium supplement.

Sensitive breasts due to certain substances

Sensitive breasts can be the result of an allergic reaction to certain detergents, deodorants, or other products that come in direct contact with your skin. Think about what products you have used recently and try to find milder and more natural alternatives. You can easily make a natural detergent to wash your clothes. In addition, try to buy alcohol-free deodorants.

If your breasts remain sensitive, you can use an aloe vera ointment to relieve the pain.

aloe vera

Dry skin

If you have dry skin, you are also more likely to have tender or painful breasts. Moisturize especially the most sensitive areas, such as your nipples, with vegetable oil, moisturizer or shea butter. Make sure you buy a natural product that does not cause allergies.

Just before your period

If you have persistent pain or breast tenderness before or during menstruation, it is most likely due to hormonal complications. In this case, go to the gynecologist or therapist, so that they can diagnose you exactly. There are also natural remedies: garden flower oil, monk’s pepper, angelica, Peruvian ginseng or salvia.

During the pregnancy

One of the first symptoms of pregnancy is tender or painful breasts. This is because more blood will flow to these parts of the body, especially the nipples. As your body gets used to this feeling, the pain will become more bearable. In any case, you can also ease the pain with infusions of marigolds. Due to the heat, this has the same beneficial effect as a compress.



If you experience pain while breastfeeding, it could very well be that you are suffering from mastitis, an inflammation of the mammary gland tissue. As a result, you will also have a fever faster and become overtired.

You can treat mastitis by infusing thyme daily over and around your nipples. Let it sit in this place until it dries out. You can also take a vitamin C or propolis-based supplement.

Prevent breast cancer

If you have persistent tender or sore breasts for no apparent reason, it is better to consult your doctor. This will then test you whether or not you have breast cancer. You can also perform a test yourself: stand in front of the mirror and take your entire chest in your hand. Try to get up to your armpit. Then move slowly in circular motions, squeezing harder and harder.

If you feel small bubbles or other strange shapes, contact a doctor as soon as possible to find out what this means. Another symptom of breast cancer is the loss of red or yellow fluid along the nipple. Even if you see this, you better rush to a doctor.

Images courtesy of itmpa and ilyoungko.

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