Why Are Horseshoes A Good Luck Symbol?

Horseshoes have been considered lucky symbols since ancient times. Today we will explain the origin of this talisman.
Why are horseshoes a good luck symbol?

Horseshoes are the oldest lucky symbols in the history of the world. Their purported effects range from bringing good luck to removing problems and conflict, even if they are just bits of metal. Their peculiarity lies in their U-shape. In addition, they are used for horses to minimize wear and tear on their hooves.

It is necessary to mention that the position of the horseshoe has several effects:

  • The points pointing down brings protection.
  • Pointing the points upwards brings good luck.

Horseshoes as lucky symbols

First origin

Our ancestors started using horseshoes as a talisman when they realized that the U-shape of the horseshoes resembled a crescent moon. The first civilizations believed that celestial bodies such as the sun and moon could bring happiness and fertility to women.

The idea that horseshoes would bring good luck arose during the time when horses were domesticated. In other words, the ancient Greeks introduced the horseshoe to Western civilization. Since then, the horseshoe has been considered one of the most important symbols of good luck.

Crossing the fingers as a good luck symbol

San Dunstan and the Devil

Still, it was in the 10th century that people began to hang horseshoes on their doors to protect their homes, thanks to the person San Dunstan. Dunstan was a blacksmith who became Archbishop of Canterbury. So why exactly horseshoes and not some other object made by this blacksmith?

Legend has it that the archbishop was visited by a man who came to ask him for horseshoes. Curiously, however, he wanted them for his own feet, which strangely resembled those of an animal. That’s when Dunstan realized it was the devil.

San Dunstan complied with the Devil’s request, without showing that he knew who he really was. He told him that the only way to attach them to his feet was to hang it on the wall. When that happened, the devil begged for mercy.

The blacksmith took this opportunity to demand that the devil not enter any house where a horseshoe hung on the door.

This story soon became known to the Catholic community. This oral story brought about many changes in history, including the custom of spitting on the horseshoe and throwing it over your left shoulder.

It is also appropriate for the time when people started making rings from the nails of horseshoes, which supposedly had medicinal properties.

Ancient Civilizations

Long before the 10th century, horseshoes were used as a talisman. It seems that the ancient Greeks believed that metal was a material that dispelled evil. This could be why they used it in battle.

On the other hand, the shape of the horseshoe led people to believe that the heavenly bodies would bring them happiness and fertility through this object. In addition, it is necessary to mention the magic number: seven. It’s no coincidence that you need seven nails to attach the horseshoe to a horse’s hooves.

Finally, in the Middle Ages people started using horseshoes to protect themselves against witchcraft. This is due to the popular belief that witches flew on broomsticks because they were afraid of horses. For this reason, in Russia the farrier was considered a man of white magic.

This belief was so extensive that the blacksmiths were allowed to officiate weddings. In addition, anvils were the only material you were allowed to use to make rings.

Fairytale couple on a white horse

The history of horseshoes is certainly extensive and confusing. But one thing is clear: almost all Western civilizations considered this object a symbol of good luck, which is why it remains one of the most famous talismans and symbols.

Everyone can choose for themselves whether to believe in this superstition, which reappears in many civilizations separated by space and time.

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