What Is The Healthiest Oil For Frying?

Fried food is of course not really healthy, but by using certain oils we can make it healthier. We show you which are the best oils for deep-frying, without the guilt.
What is the healthiest oil for frying?

Fried foods have always been popular. Unfortunately, deep-frying isn’t exactly the healthiest way of cooking right now, especially if it’s done on an industrial scale. However, frying at home doesn’t always have to be unhealthy. What really makes it unhealthy is usually the type of oil we use and how we use it. So, what is the healthiest oil for frying?

Before we answer this question, it’s important to explain exactly how deep-frying works.

How does frying work?

Frying consists of immersing food in hot oil. The ideal baking temperature is between 176 and 190 °C. When we submerge food in such hot oil, the surface cooks almost immediately, forming a sort of ‘seal’ that prevents the oil from entering.

At the same time, the moisture in the food is converted into steam, which cooks the food from the inside out. If the temperature of the oil is too low, the oil will penetrate the food, making it greasy. If the temperature is too high, the food can dry out and the oil oxidize. Some oils can withstand higher temperatures than others.

It is important to change cooking oil regularly. It is better not to top up the oil because harmful substances can then form.

Taste is of course also important when choosing a good frying oil. We generally prefer neutral tasting oils when frying food.

What is the healthiest oil for frying?

Healthiest oil for frying

Coconut oil is generally the best option and therefore the healthiest oil for frying. Even after eight hours of continuous frying at 180 °C, the quality does not deteriorate. More than 90% of the fatty acids in coconut oil are saturated, which makes the oil resistant to high temperatures.

In addition, coconut oil seems to offer numerous health benefits. For example, it can help kill harmful bacteria and viruses. Coconut oil may even help you lose belly fat.

Keep in mind that some varieties may give off a coconut flavor or aroma. So try out different brands to find the one you like best.

Other good options

Olive oil

Olive oil

Olive oil is one of the healthiest fats in the world. It contains large amounts of monounsaturated fatty acids, which have only one double bond. Olive oil can be used in a deep fryer for more than 24 hours before it oxidizes.

Olive oil is therefore the healthiest oil for frying. However, the taste and smell will not last if the oil is exposed to high temperatures for long periods.

avocado oil

The composition of avocado oil is similar to that of olive oil. Although it contains mainly monounsaturated fatty acids, it also contains some saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

It has a significantly high smoke point (270°C) and a subtle walnut flavour.

peanut oil

peanut oil

Peanut  oil or peanut oil has a high smoke point that is around 230°C.

It is very popular for frying because of its natural taste. In addition, it does not absorb the taste of the food. This allows the oil to be used multiple times to fry different types of food.

Palm oil

The taste of palm oil is quite neutral, especially the unrefined kind known as red palm oil.

One cause for concern is the extent to which palm oil is produced and cultivated in a sustainable manner.

Fats and oils that you should not use for frying

fried food

There are several fats that you should avoid at all costs. We are referring to industrial hard fats. These fats are obtained from vegetable and animal products and undergo aggressive processing methods. They contain, among other things, trans fats that can raise the cholesterol level in your body.

If you use this type of oil for frying, you could be ingesting large amounts of harmful ingredients. Therefore, avoid them as much as possible!

Using the wrong types of oil for frying is bad for your health. However, with the right types of oil, you can enjoy a deep-fried treat every now and then. Homemade products are the best option here. Without guilt.

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