What Happens When You End A Toxic Relationship?

A toxic relationship wears you out, damages your identity, and lowers your self-confidence. It distorts your basic idea of ​​what authentic love is. About what noble respect and sharing your life is all about.
What Happens When You End a Toxic Relationship?

We all know it’s fashionable to call certain types of relationships a “toxic relationship.” After all, many of us use this expression almost excessively. Both when talking about abusive and harmful and controlling behavior.

However, we must be careful. We must first analyze a relationship in detail before using this popular term.

Sometimes certain behaviors are actually caused by another condition that requires a different kind of attention. So we have to be careful with sticking a label. There are many difficult people with complex relationships.

Sometimes someone becomes the epicenter of problems. A maelstrom of emotional, physical or psychological abuse arises. This is the real mark of a toxic relationship.

If you’ve ever been through this and managed to escape that relationship, then you know that this process isn’t easy.

Above all, we want to make it clear that it is not so easy to just end the toxic relationship.

Even if you can do that, it doesn’t mean you will automatically be happy and content right away. Getting over a toxic relationship takes time. The process is neither easy nor fast.

A wound remains after a toxic relationship

Hand in water

Let’s try to imagine this: a person taken by the hand to get through a difficult part of the forest, full of branches and brambles. This person is guided by the other because he trusts them.

However, he knows that the journey is exhausting. That he will be out of breath and, moreover, that the branches will leave wounds on his skin. There is nothing around him that looks beautiful or promising.

Finally, the person decides to let go of the hand and leave. The person does this to feel free. To regain their happiness and allow the other person to continue walking alone, on a different path.

When he does this, the experience is intense and full of conflicting feelings.

  • This person hardly recognizes himself anymore. The result of this traumatic journey is that he is left full of scars and open wounds.
  • He feels exhausted. It’s hard to breathe. The only option is to stand still. He has to stop for a while to recover.
  • He feels lost. Having stopped in the middle of a part of the forest, he doesn’t know where he is. He also doesn’t know which way he wants to go now.

After leaving a toxic relationship  , the person will find liberation. That’s for sure. However, this feeling of well-being will not arise immediately.

He will feel the need to withdraw o m find himself again. In addition, he must identify his wounds. He also needs time to reflect and to think about where he stands in his life and what he should do.

Time to heal, time to retreat

Helen takes time

The last thing anyone should do after ending a toxic relationship is to seek relief in a new one. No one can heal themselves by immediately jumping into a new relationship. It is neither healthy nor therapeutic.

That is mainly because no one else is obligated to heal our wounds, to be our anesthetic or our remedy to help us forget.

The best we can do is give ourselves time. Time to take an inner journey. We need time to restore our self-confidence. In addition, we need to rediscover our identity, nurture our hopes and learn to trust ourselves.

We have to let go of negative feelings. Both the hate and the fear and frustration. That way we come out of the shell of our intimacy much stronger.

Like it or not, we have to go through a formal kind of grieving process. Step by step this will help us to:

  • to let go of emotions
  • to channel anger
  • develop a resilient attitude
  • to remember what we are worth and what we deserve

Only when we love ourselves again are we ready to find the right partner.

My dignity no longer accepts bargains and new toxic relationship

Woman in white

You’ve probably met at least one person who starts a new relationship after ending a toxic relationship. Falling prey to the same hurtful and exhausting dynamics again is more common than you think.

Remember: we need to develop a healthy self-confidence. In addition , we must remember that our dignity cannot be bought, sold or negotiated.

It is extremely important to remember that we deserve the best. To love does not mean to suffer. Loneliness and being in harmony with oneself is always preferable to disturbed, selfish and harmful love.

Finally, we want to make it clear that the simple act of ending a toxic relationship will not bring you instant joy. We must always heal ourselves first.

In addition, our self-confidence and dignity must be restored. This is necessary to remember that we should never fall back into a damaging, toxic relationship.

Let’s make sure this experience allows us to learn. So that next time we can say “never again” to a toxic relationship.

Featured Image Courtesy of © wikiHow.com 

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