What Can Pregnant Women Eat For Dinner?

Many pregnant women ignore the importance of the evening meal during pregnancy. In this article, we will talk about how essential this meal is for the health of both the mother and the baby.
What can pregnant women eat for dinner?

Pregnant women, especially if the pregnancy has entered the third trimester, do not look forward to coming home late and cooking or sitting at the table to eat a hot meal.

However, they should still eat a healthy evening meal in the evening, and by that we don’t mean it’s okay if they can get their hands on the first food they can get. What should pregnant women eat for dinner?

One of the best habits for pregnant women is to maintain a practical and healthy eating routine. This is important for both themselves and the baby. They must ensure a complete diet. In this article we give you some tips about what an evening meal should include during pregnancy.

The importance of healthy eating for pregnant women

One of the first issues that moms-to-be worry about has to do with the amounts of food they need to consume. Pregnancy is often accompanied by a lot of fatigue, especially during the last two trimesters.

Pregnant women should therefore consume foods that keep them energized throughout the day. It is not necessary to ‘eat for two’, but it is also not the right time to go on a strict diet. In general, women at this stage have a lot of appetite throughout the day. For this reason, they should not have to force themselves to eat.

In order to have a healthy pregnancy, it is of course vital to take into account the requirements of certain nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and proteins.

In that sense, a good strategy would be to avoid overly large meals. Instead, pregnant women should divide their food intake over several servings per day. This also ensures an optimal supply of nutrients. For this reason, it is extremely important for pregnant women not to neglect eating healthy meals.

What should pregnant women eat for dinner?

A pregnant woman eating almonds

There are many healthy foods that pregnant women can eat with their evening meal. In general, this last meal of the day should contain products from all groups of nutrients necessary for a balanced diet.

This means that under normal circumstances and without a disease that places different demands on the diet, pregnant women should choose products and macronutrients such as:

  • fruit
  • vegetables
  • carbohydrates
  • protein
  • fats

By eating small portions several times throughout the day, the intake of nutrients is evenly distributed throughout the day. That way it is easier to meet the nutritional needs of mother and child.

A good way to divide them is to look at the method called ‘ Harvard’s Healthy Eating Plate ‘. It recommends distributing meals in the following way:

  • At dinner, half of the food should consist of vegetables.
  • A quarter of the plate should be filled with protein-rich products, which can be of animal or vegetable origin.
  • The last meal should also contain carbohydrates.
  • It is also possible to accompany the meal with a source of healthy fats and eat fruit for dessert.

What requirements should the evening meal meet?

As mentioned before, all food groups should be represented at the evening meal. It is of course still essential to choose healthy and suitable foods for this meal.

Fruit and vegetables

All types are allowed during pregnancy. There are many options for serving vegetables with the evening meal. However, boiled or mashed would be best for dinner.

As for fruits, doctors recommend eating them ripe and avoiding citrus fruits, as they can cause reflux problems in many pregnant women.


Whole-grain products are the priority here, whether it’s brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, brown bread or couscous. These products contain many different nutrients.

Also, don’t forget the dietary fiber and remember that the intake of enough fiber ensures that you do not suffer from gastrointestinal problems such as constipation. This is a common problem during pregnancy.


Fish is a great animal protein source

The best protein sources for the evening meal are white fish such as tilapia and cod, poultry and eggs. You can grill them or prepare them in the oven. A tip here is to flavor them with a little olive oil instead of fatty sauces so they don’t cause a heavy digestion.

If, on the other hand, you prefer vegetable protein, tofu or tempeh are very good choices. Remember that these proteins are high in essential amino acids and are the best alternatives to animal proteins.

High quality fats

When it comes to fats, the best choice is to use extra virgin olive oil in cold preparations. You can also add some nuts, avocado or olives to your meals.

Keep in mind that you only need to use small amounts. The body does not need a lot of fats and the high fat content can also prolong the duration of digestion.

Other characteristics that the evening meal must meet

We all know that some annoying complaints can occur during pregnancy. Most are not really serious, but can last a few weeks to months. Fortunately, good dietary guidelines make it possible to reduce complaints. Think of problems such as:

  • nausea
  • constipation
  • heartburn
  • gastric reflux

That said, it’s important to apply a set of tips over dinner (Spanish link). Let’s take a look at the most relevant advice:

  • Avoid large meals and divide the daily amount of food over several eating moments per day.
  • Eat the evening meal at least three hours before going to bed. This reduces the occurrence of complaints such as reflux and heartburn.
  • Forget sauces, strong cheeses, pastries and desserts based on full-fat dairy products. They all require a longer digestion, which can exacerbate symptoms during pregnancy.
  • Do not consume highly spicy foods, citrus fruits, chocolate or carbonated drinks during dinner. These products can promote heartburn and reflux.
  • Choose whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables. They provide many beneficial nutrients as well as a lot of dietary fiber, which helps relieve constipation.

Varied and healthy diet for pregnant women

By putting these dietary guidelines into practice, it is possible to ensure adequate intake of all the nutrients necessary for both fetal development and maternal health.

However, the most important tip we always give is to consult a nutritionist, as every woman is different and needs different things. A dietitian can give individual advice and suggest certain types of food, depending on the need of the pregnant woman. Factors that play a role in this are, for example:

  • age
  • current health status
  • stage of pregnancy

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