We Always Get Back What We Give

If what we give does the other person good, then life will return this positive act. But if, on the contrary, what we give is harmful, we will also experience this at some point in the future.
We always get back what we give

We may not always be aware of it. But we get what we give. Giving is therefore a source of benefits, but can also be the reason for negative experiences because we do not give in the right way.

‘Why is everyone leaving me now and alone? Why am I encountering so much disappointment?’

The results of our actions are not always immediately visible. But as the years go by, we reap what we sow.

When that moment occurs, we have long forgotten what we have done.

Some people call this justice. For others it is karma. It doesn’t matter what name you want to give it. But the truth is that it is extremely important that you focus your attention on what you give and how you give.

It’s time to focus on the future. This way you can grow healthy fruits and harvest them in the future. Even if you don’t know yet when you will bear the fruits of what you are doing now.

How are you in life?

Maybe you don’t believe this. But the attitude with which you go through life – as well as the decisions you make – create your destiny.

That is precisely why it is important that you do your best to do things as well as possible. Because we always get what we give.

If you run away from your fears, what do you hope to get in the future? More fears.

Maybe you just make decisions without thinking too much. Because you may think that there is a solution for everything. Do you really think in those moments that this will not come back to hurt you in the future?

The best aspect of life is that each stage of life tells you what you need to heal. It also lets you know what to correct and what things to fix.

But in most cases, it is much easier to avoid the obstacles that can cause pain.

That is why it is important that you do the things that frighten you if necessary. You need to feel that nausea. Because it makes us change and feel brave for doing something we never thought we would do.

Do it now because it’s important. After all, you won’t get another chance.

We want to show you a video that will help you think about this. It will support you to change the direction in which your life is moving forward.

Are you ready to focus on what you give? Do you want to change your attitude towards life and make conscious decisions?

Watch the video here!

We also often use the phrase β€œto give without expecting anything in return.” But the truth is, we feel bad, unhappy, and undervalued if we don’t get anything in return.

It is necessary that we remind ourselves every day the meaning of this phrase. This is important if we hope to receive the same kindness that we ourselves give to the world.

Finally, we must pay particular attention to what we give and forget completely what we will receive.

It is possible that many times we have been generous but that act was not reciprocated. On the other hand, things in life may be going well and life suddenly hits us harder than we’ve ever experienced.

Woman flying a kite with a cloud

However, these are only tests.

What does it mean to get what you give?

When faced with adversity, you start to doubt your beliefs. You feel like a victim and you fall back into your old habits. Then you will again follow the path that you will not be happy with in the future.

After all, the following things keep happening:

  • We tend to obsessively cling to things and people.
  • We are always very afraid of loss. We always feel the fear of freeing ourselves and letting go.

But when you live your life in a disjointed way, it will continue to haunt you.

Let go of your resistance and go with the flow

It is so important that you learn to accept what is happening. Don’t cling to anything but live free. Let everything flow and do not resist changes.

So we have to take some lessons into account. We can apply it to our daily life. Because they go very well with everything we have already discussed in this article:

  • If you sow wind, you will reap storm.
  • Anything you refuse to accept will continue to happen.
  • Stop worrying about how you can change the people around you. Start changing yourself. This will bring you closer to that fantastic feeling of serenity.
  • All the bad things you have experienced are a reflection of what you have thought or done.
  • It doesn’t matter how insignificant a step seems. But each step can send you in a different direction.

Pay attention. Apply all of this to your life and start going with the flow. Open your eyes. Life always shows you what is best for you and where to go.

All you have to do is have faith in it and let it carry you through life. Don’t force it. Don’t resist. After all, we always get what we give.

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