Unique Decorations With Pictures For Your Home

Pictures are a great way to decorate the different rooms in your home. Use them to give your home a unique and personal style!
Unique decorations with photos for your home

Would you like to make your home unique with original decorations with photos? Then you can’t miss our article today!

To create a unique home that allows you to show your personality to the world, you need to let your imagination run wild. Be creative and express yourself with pictures, flowers, pictures, prints, pillows and whatever decorative object you like.

In this article, we’ll show you the best photo decorations that you can make with very few materials you have at home. Are you ready to discover them? We’re sure you’ll love them!

Create original decorations with photos

1. Photos in different sizes

Unique decorations with photos in different sizes

We usually just hang photos with similar dimensions and frames symmetrically. But what would happen if we got carried away and used not only different sized frames, but also different colors and textures? Join this trend and organize your photos in a unique way. Use the photo above to inspire you!

2. Puzzle decorations with pictures

You can also create puzzles from your best photos and then decorate your home with them. You will also have a lot of fun putting together your puzzles! If puzzling isn’t your thing, how about dividing a photo into three or four squares?

3. Play with the door frame

The door is normally a place that we do not decorate. Today, however, we propose you to change this. Print your favorite photos in different sizes, in color and in black and white. Then hang them around the door, following the perimeter of the door frame. You can’t get more original than that!

4. Original decorations with photos: make a photo garland

Hang pictures on a string of lights

We love this idea because it’s so simple. You will need a strong rope and small wooden clips. You simply hang the rope on the wall somewhere in the room and hang your photos on it. You can also add other objects to give it some more color and personality.

Instead of a rope, you can also use light decorations to make your garland. This way you get a different kind of, more intimate lighting with a very personal touch.

5. Make a wall decoration with photos

Who said photos have to be in a frame? Just draw a design on the wall and fill it with photos. There are so many options: you can make a heart, the Eiffel Tower, a house or whatever you can think of!

Want another idea? For example, write an inspiring sentence in the middle of the photos! It will simply be sensational.

6. Collage with photos

Creating original decorations with photos is not as complicated as you may think. If you don’t want to make big changes in your home because you want to change your decorations often, you can create collages with your photos.

For the next idea you need six equal squares. Then take four sheets that will fit into your frames. Draw a letter of the word LOVE on each sheet and fill each letter with small pictures. Then frame each collage and hang them however you like.

7. Mosaic with Polaroid photos

Unique decorations with photos like a collage

A bulletin board may be all you need to create original decorations with photos. If you still have a Polaroid camera at home, use it! Otherwise, you can just print your photos in a Polaroid format.

When you have all your photos, hang them on the bulletin board in a somewhat disorganized way to give your decoration a more ‘casual’ feel.

8. Original decorations with photos: don’t forget the corners!

Just as doors are often largely neglected when it comes to decoration, the corners of the walls often suffer the same fate. We usually focus on placing images in the center of the walls, but changing the focus can change the style of an entire room!

Pick your best photos, frame them and play with them by placing them in the corner of two walls, some on one side and a few on the other side of the corner. You will be amazed at the result.

9. Photos on the stairs

This may not be one of our most original ideas. However, it never goes out of style. Take advantage of the forgotten space on the side of the stairs to hang your best photos. It is without a doubt a good way to go to bed or wake up with a big smile.

10. Pillows with pictures

A personal touch by a pillow with your favorite photo

Another way to create original decorations with photos is to use personalized photos! Choose a photo you like, be it a landscape, your children or your pet, and turn that memory into a beautiful and comfortable pillow to personalize your room or sofa.

11. Original Decorations with Photos: Hanging Photos

Do you like eco-friendly decorations? Then join the trend by creating a wall decoration from hanging photos. You need:

  • Need a stick long and strong enough to hold the decoration.
  • A strong rope.
  • Photos.

The idea is to hang the pictures on the string and make three or four strips, depending on the size of the decoration you want. Then tie the strips to the stick and hang it on the wall.

12. Tell a story with pictures

If you post several photos with detailed photos on the same subject, you can tell a story in an original way. For example, you can post a picture of coffee foam, of a hand on the cup, of drinking lips… let your imagination run wild!

Making original decorations with photos is much easier than you imagined, right? Open your mind, look at your space and let your personality express itself. You will be amazed at the results!

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