Two Recipes For Gluten-free Churros

Do you like churros but are you gluten intolerant or do you have celiac disease? Then we have two recipes for you! Try these delicious gluten-free churros.
Two recipes for gluten-free churros

In this article, we look at two gluten-free churros recipes that are suitable for celiacs or those who are gluten intolerant.

According to a study published in the World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology , celiac disease affects the immune system when a person ingests gluten. Therefore, many people are unable to eat dishes that contain gluten.

You probably already know that gluten-free products are not as popular or commercialized as other specialties. However, that shouldn’t stop you from making the recipes you want when you want them.

A churro is a simple delicacy made with a wheat-based dough fried in vegetable oil. The typical ingredients are water, wheat flour, salt and oil. However, there are also many variations on this basic recipe.

Wheat is, of course, the primary source of gluten, so you’ll have to learn to cook without it. However, there are many different options for replacing it, including rice flour, corn, quinoa, and even lentils. In this article, let’s learn two new ways to make gluten-free churros.

Two recipes for gluten-free churros

The need for people with celiac disease to eliminate gluten from their diet has led to many gluten-free foods. According to an article from Nutrients Magazine (English link), there are therefore so many possibilities today to use gluten-free grains and pseudo-whole grains.

While it may be possible to find ready-made versions at the store, you can also make them at home. These warm, homemade churros are so delicious, you won’t even miss the gluten.

Gluten-free churros with rice flour

This first recipe uses rice flour, one of the most commonly used wheat substitutes. It has a neutral taste and is the best option for preparing desserts. It also adds a crunchy texture to any food.


  • 250 grams of rice flour
  • 250ml water
  • 50 grams of honey
  • 60 grams of butter
  • 15 grams tablespoon salt
  • 15 grams gluten-free baking powder
  • 125 ml cup olive oil


  • Heat the water and butter in a large skillet over medium heat.
  • Add the salt and mix well.
  • In a separate bowl, mix the honey and gluten-free baking powder with the rice flour.
  • Pour the melted butter mixture into the bowl and stir well.
  • Let this dough rest for at least five minutes. This makes it more manageable.
  • Heat a frying pan with the olive oil over medium heat.
  • Place the dough in a piping bag and mold it directly in the hot oil. Fry them until they get a golden color.
  • Finally , pat the churros dry with paper towels and sprinkle with some brown sugar. You can also use dark chocolate sauce to add extra, low-calorie flavor.

Gluten-free churros with buckwheat flour

Buckwheat with a wooden spoon

This recipe contains buckwheat flour, which is a good source of fiber and protein. According to a study published in the journal Foods , this ingredient is one of the best sources of polyphenolic compounds.

You’ll need to combine it with a little cornstarch, though, to keep these gluten-free churros from coming out too hard. You will definitely enjoy them, so give them a try!


  • 120 grams of buckwheat flour
  • 60 grams cornflour
  • 250ml water
  • 7.5 ml vanilla extract
  • 15 grams of salt
  • 30 grams of brown sugar
  • 75 grams grated dark chocolate
  • 125 ml olive oil


  • First, mix all dry ingredients in a large bowl.
  • Meanwhile, bring the water to a boil. Take it off the heat and let it cool down a bit.
  • Pour the water into the bowl with the dry ingredients to make a thick dough.
  • Add the chocolate and vanilla extract and knead very well. This will be firmer than the first recipe, but then you can shape the churros yourself by hand.
  • Shape each churro to desired thickness and length. You can also use a piping bag if you prefer.
  • Heat the olive oil in a frying pan over medium heat. When hot, add the churros and brown them on both sides.
  • To finish them off, blot them with paper towels and drizzle with some sugar or dark chocolate sauce.

If you’re gluten-free and you missed out on some of your favorite treats, make some of these churros today. Choose the version you like best and enjoy it for breakfast or as a snack.

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