Treat And Prevent Canker Sores

If you suffer from canker sores, you undoubtedly want to know what it is, where it comes from and how you can prevent it.
Treating and preventing canker sores

When we talk about canker sores, the most important thing to know is that we are talking about some kind of ulcer or open sore in the mouth, which can be very painful. Canker sores can be white or yellow and are surrounded by a bright red circle in the mouth. They can arise as a result of a viral infection, but in many cases it is impossible to know the exact cause.

The sores may be linked to problems with the body’s immune system. Because they also often occur after an injury in the mouth (at the dentist or by accidentally biting your jaw or tongue). Keep reading to learn all about the causes of canker sores and how to treat and prevent them.

Why do you get canker sores?

  • Emotional stress.
  • Lack of vitamins and certain minerals in our diet. Examples are: iron, folic acid or vitamin B12.
  • Hormonal changes.
  • Menstrual period.

Anyone can suffer from canker sores,  both men and women. Yet we see them more often in women and in some cases they can be hereditary.

The symptoms are…

  • A red, sore spot, which later becomes an ulcer.
  • The ulcer is yellowish in color.
  • Discomfort and sometimes fever may occur.

Pain caused by canker sores can last 7 to 10 days. On the other hand, there are even known cases of 3 weeks. Everything depends on the size of the aft.

How to prevent canker sores?


One way to get rid of these nasty sores is an adequate intake of vitamins and iron. These can be found in animal and vegetable proteins.


  • Vitamin B2. A deficiency of this vitamin causes cracks in the skin and the corners of the mouth, among other things. You can find it in bread, whole grains, green leafy vegetables and milk.
  • Vitamin B3. This vitamin helps prevent oral diseases. You can find it in red and white meat, milk, dairy products and eggs.
  • folic acid. Deficiency of this is accompanied by ulcers in the mouth and the presence of anemia. However, taking folic acid in high doses can be harmful. Supplements should therefore only be taken after consulting a doctor.
  • Vitamin B12. To get enough of this vitamin, you need to eat animal products such as seafood, meat and dairy products.
  • Vitamin C. A lack of this vitamin will not cause mouth ulcers, but can lead to bleeding gums. Foods rich in vitamin C include citrus fruits and other categories of fruits and vegetables.

Probiotics & Omega 3

There are also two types of food that are very useful. One group are probiotics and the other group are foods that contain omega 3. They both have anti-inflammatory properties.

A University of Kentucky study also found antibacterial properties. In particular, eat foods that contain beneficial properties in themselves and that have not been fortified or modified. Foods with natural probiotics include fresh yogurt and fermented milk products. Foods rich in omega 3 are fish, sunflower oil and nuts.


When your diet is low in nutrients, it is very likely that you will develop canker sores. So you will have to look for remedies to reduce the pain and discomfort.

The American Dental Association claims that canker sores usually go away on their own. Still, there are some ways to speed up the healing process and ease symptoms:

  • There are certain mouthwashes in the store, which are specifically made to remove canker sores, for example. However, opt for the milder products.
  • Use homemade mouthwashes. These are easy to make by mixing salt or baking soda in water.
  • You can also mix water with oxygenated water and apply it directly to the aft with a cotton swab.

All of these remedies can be used as often as you like to speed up the healing process.

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