Time Is A Precious Gift

We should value the people we spend our time with. The time you spend with other people cannot be bought with money. And that’s why time is the best gift you can give someone.
Time is a precious gift

It is important to spend time with the people we love and the people who love us. Therefore, time is the most wonderful and fascinating gift we can give.

Try thinking about it and then realize that other people will never get back the time they spend with you. It follows that it is a special and unique gesture when one spends one’s time on another.

So it’s a way of saying you appreciate someone and enjoy their company.

We often forget very easily how important it is to spend time with other people. And this can cause a lot of conflict. People grow apart because they feel like they are unappreciated.

However, it is difficult to find the right balance. After all, the world attaches great importance to speed and productivity. As a result, we experience a lot of stress when we choose to spend time with friends instead of working.

What value do you place on time?

However, it is important to think about the value we place on time. Sometimes people use their free time to meet up with others and in other cases people make time to meet up with others.

If someone does this for you, be aware that they are giving you the best gift they can give.

These moments are worth it. Moments like these give us the opportunity to make memories that we can carry with us forever, and they also allow us to build emotional connections with others.

This is the paint we use to color our lives.

Time woman in bath

How much is an hour of your time worth?

A father comes home late from work again. Tired and irritated, he finds his five-year-old son at the door.

“Daddy, can I ask you something?”

‘Yes, of course, what is it?’ replied the father.

“Daddy, how much do you earn per hour?” the son asked, wide-eyed.

‘It’s none of your business! Why do you ask such a thing?’ said the father angrily.

“I just want to know. Please tell me how much you earn per hour,’ the boy begged.

‘If you really want to know, I earn 100 euros an hour’.

“Oh,” the boy replied with his head bowed. He looked up and then said, “Daddy can I borrow fifty euros please?”

Time arrow in a tree


The father was furious.

“If you just wanted to know how much I earn so you could borrow some money to buy some stupid toy or something, you can go straight to your room and go to bed and think about why you’re so selfish. are.

I work long and hard every day and I don’t have time for these kind of childish games.’

The little boy walked quietly to his room and closed the door behind him.

The father sat down and became even angrier to himself at his little son’s question. How dare he ask such a thing just for a little money.

After an hour, the man began to calm down and wonder if perhaps he hadn’t been a little too hard on his son. Maybe he should buy something with that fifty euros that he really needed and his son hardly ever asked for money.

The father went upstairs to his son’s room and opened the door.

‘Are you sleeping?’ he asked.

“No daddy, I’m awake,” the son replied.

The important things in life

“I’ve been thinking, maybe I was a little too hard on you,” the man said. “It’s been a long day and I took my irritation out on you. Here’s the fifty euros you asked for.’

Time wheel of a clock

The little boy sat up happily. “Oh, thank you Dad!” he shouted, before reaching under his pillow and pulling out a few more crumpled notes.

When the father saw that his son already had money, he started to get angry again.

The little boy slowly counted his money, then looked up at his father.

“Why did you want more money when you already had money?” grumbled the father.

“Because I didn’t have enough, but now I do,” the boy replied.  ‘Dad, I now have 100 euros. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I’d like to eat together.’

The father was moved, put an arm around his son and then asked if his son would forgive him.

Sharing your time gives life

As we can see from the story above, sharing your time with others is like giving life. It can really overwhelm us to think about all the things that have changed over time.

But when we think about this, we also realize something. Time and change can be basically the same thing. Both are the essence of our lives, our growth and our relationships.

People can say ‘I love you’ and ‘you are important to me’ by spending time with us. And the best way to respond to this is by offering even more time.

Remember that the best investment you can make will always be investing time in your family and friends.

Therefore, don’t let it become too late to share your feelings with others. Remember that time keeps going.

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