Three Easy Ways To Make Vegetable Chips

Vegetable chips are a healthy way to take care of yourself without giving up salty snacks. You can make them at home without using preservatives or harmful additives.
Three easy ways to make vegetable chips

The secret behind vegetable chips is in choosing the right vegetables and herbs. Since they’re so easy to prepare, what’s really important is knowing which options to choose. You can make them salty or spicy or something in between.

These vegetable chips often contain a lot of vegetable oil to obtain the crispy texture. However, you can also bake the vegetables as chips. This is healthier and recommended. They are also for dipping in your favorite sauces!

If you don’t spend much time at home or choose your own vegetables, start with these recipes. In this article, it’s time to discover the three best vegetable chips that you can quickly make at home. They are delicious, natural, healthy and different!

Three easy ways to make your own chips

1. Yucca vegetable chips

bowl with vegetable chips from yucca

This is perhaps the most commonly used tuber for vegetable chips. This is mainly because yucca itself tastes delicious.

It doesn’t require a lot of seasoning to flavor it and it’s easy to make. Plus, you can pair it with almost any cream or homemade dipping sauce.


  • 4 yuccas
  • 50 ml olive oil (2 tablespoons)
  • Pinch of black pepper
  • 1 pinch of table salt
  • 1 liter of water (4 cups)


  • To start, peel the yuccas, wash them and then set them aside.
  • Then put a pan of water on high heat. Then bring it to a boil and add salt and pepper.
  • Cut the yuccas into round slices and then put them in the pan.
  • Then cook them for 15 minutes until they become soft.
  • Then remove them from the heat, drain and place on a baking tray.
  • Drizzle the olive oil over the slices and then add salt.
  • Set the temperature to 160°C and then cook for 5 minutes on each side or until browned around the edges.

2. Eggplant vegetable chips

These chips will be a fun challenge to take at home. Eggplant becomes soft when exposed to heat. To get better results, let this vegetable dry first.


  • 160 grams sliced ​​aubergines (2 cups)
  • 1 sprig of parsley
  • 1 onion
  • 30 ml olive oil (2 tablespoons)
  • Pinch of ground black pepper
  • 15 grams cumin powder (1 tablespoon)
  • 7 grams ground garlic (2 cloves)


  • Start by cutting the onion into julienne strips. Then dip the pieces in olive oil with a dash of pepper and cumin powder. Then set it aside.
  • Then spread the eggplant on a baking tray and add salt. Then let it stand for 15 minutes.
  • Then finely chop the parsley. Then add it to the crushed garlic with a pinch of pepper.
  • After about 15 minutes, pour the onion and garlic mix over the aubergine.
  • Then put it in the oven at 160°C for 25 minutes. Turn them over with a fork halfway through so they brown evenly.
  • Remove them from the oven and enjoy!

3. Broccoli vegetable chips

green bowl with broccoli

As we mentioned earlier, it is common to fry chips in oil. The quantities are usually large, but this time you can make the portions a bit smaller. They will stay golden and crispy, but they won’t have as much excess fat.


  • 320 grams broccoli (4 cups)
  • 45 ml vegetable oil (3 tablespoons)
  • 30 grams of oatmeal (2 tablespoons)
  • 1 pinch of adobo seasoning
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 eggs


  • Start by breaking and beating the eggs until well mixed.
  • Then put the oil in a hot pan and wait.
  • Then dip the broccoli through the oatmeal.
  • Then repeat this process with the egg mixture.
  • Sprinkle over the adobo seasoning, salt and pepper.
  • Finally, place all the broccoli pieces in the hot pan. Make sure to fry them on all sides.
  • Cook until the broccoli is crisp and golden brown.
  • When it’s done, turn off the heat and let it cool a bit (not much).
  • Then you can start eating them!

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