The Surprising Powers Of Carrots

The abundance of vitamins and minerals in carrots not only makes them great for eating. They can also be used well for external applications, such as in face masks. Learn more about the powers of carrots in this article.
The surprising powers of carrots

When people tell you about how good carrots are for you, you probably think they are talking about how good carrots are for your eyes and how to get a nice tan.

However, this tasty vegetable would have many more properties. We will tell you all about the miraculous powers of carrots below.

Health benefits of carrots

One of the most commonly grown vegetables in gardens around the world are carrots. They provide many vitamins, including vitamins A, B complex, C and E. In addition, they contain antioxidants and minerals.

They contain few calories: 33 kcal per 100 grams. You can eat them raw, but also grated, boiled or steamed.

Carrots have so many good qualities that they should be abundantly present in your diet.

1. They Can Help Prevent Premature Aging

carrot juice

The folic acid and magnesium in this vegetable together with the beta-carotene and the fiber provide a rejuvenating effect. Beta-carotene is the component that gives carrots their orange color. These ingredients help your body form vitamin A.

They protect your skin from the harmful effects of free radicals. These are caused by smoking, pollution and stress.

Eating carrots may lower your risk of degenerative diseases and poor circulation.

2. They support good gut health

If you have digestive problems, it is recommended to eat carrots. The vitamin A in carrots is said to protect the membrane of your stomach and intestines.

They are recommended for people with:

  • Heartburn
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Indigestion
  • Gastritis
  • To swear

Eating carrots regularly can  help keep your gut in good health. That’s especially true for people with irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis, or Crohn’s disease.

They seem to help you recover from food poisoning, infections and worms in the gut. And when you boil or steam them, they soften the mucus layer in the gut.

3. They are good for mother and child

Carrot juice

The vitamin A in this vegetable is very important for pregnant and breastfeeding women. This is also the case for small children.

  • The vitamin enables the formation of new cells and also provides antioxidants, calcium and folic acid.
  • During pregnancy, women should eat two or three carrots to get their daily recommended amount of the above nutrients.

A plate of cooked carrots is recommended for children who can eat solid foods.

If your baby has intestinal or digestive problems, this is an ideal food. It is easily digestible, improves stomach health and encourages the formation of red blood cells.

4. They help regulate blood sugar

People with diabetes would see significant improvements if they eat carrots raw. This is due to the carbohydrates in the roots. These are absorbed more slowly without causing hyperglycemia.

In addition, carrots may also promote circulation and eye health. These are two common problems in diabetics.

5. They are said to boost the immune system

carrot smoothie

We should again mention vitamin A and beta-carotene. These are the nutrients that keep your immune system working properly.

A carrot juice or salad is a good idea if you have a cold or the flu.

A good amount of vitamin A means a healthy immune system. This is because it is said to help produce ‘defensive’ cells and fight off viral and bacterial attacks.

6. They nourish your skin

Carrots absorb all kinds of pollution that builds up in your skin. You can use them in the kitchen as well as in a face mask, for example to treat acne.

When used externally, this vegetable helps against sunburn or heat, wounds and eczema. They are also helpful in protecting yourself from the daily effects of UV rays.

Applying a carrot pulp mask to your face can help you delay the appearance of wrinkles. It also makes your skin look younger. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes.

7. They would sharpen your mind

Glasses of carrot juice

Carrots sharpen your mind by providing you with two nutrients associated with brain health: phosphorus and potassium. Both of these nutrients regenerate nerves and counteract the effects of stress.

If you’ve been forgetful lately or notice that your brain doesn’t store information as well as it used to, try carrots.


The benefits of carrots described in this article may have been scientifically researched, but much more large-scale evidence is needed to really demonstrate the benefits.

That is why you should never depend on one food and always maintain a balanced diet. If in doubt, consult a doctor or dietitian.

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