The Ideal Diet For Every Body Type

Knowing your body type according to our composition will help you choose the most suitable food and diet to lose weight effectively.
The ideal diet for every body type

Have you noticed that you tend to accumulate fat on a certain part of your body? Have you tried your best friend’s ideal diet and it didn’t work? This may be because the ideal diet for each body type is different.

While you may have overlooked it, we don’t all gain weight the same way.

It is true that our habits affect the figure we have. Sometimes we have more trouble losing weight because of the kind of body we inherited from our parents and ancestors.

There is an ideal diet for every body type

American psychologist William Herbert Sheldon classified the body into three types (somatotypes): ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph.

Since then, and according to data from the University of Houston (United States), nutritionists, trainers and doctors have taken this information into account to develop individual nutritional plans.

Therefore, identifying body type plays a key role in achieving success in dieting. In addition, it is important to adapt the diet to the needs of each person. This way you create an ideal diet for every body type.

Ectomorphic body or ‘sleeve type’

Ectomorph or "sleeve type"

One of the main features of this body type is that it is thin. This group also includes people who have difficulty gaining weight.

First of all, it is important to consult the doctor to rule out a medical condition. While this body type is generally low in fat, it is difficult to gain muscle mass.

Ideally, the diet for ectomorphs should consist of:

  • Carbohydrates: 55%
  • Protein: 25%
  • Fat: 20%

Recommended foods

If you belong to this group, it is important that you include the following foods in your diet:

  • Vegetables
  • Lean meats such as turkey or chicken
  • Dairy and eggs
  • Fruits and vegetables, for example avocado
  • Nuts such as walnuts and almonds
  • Olive oil
  • Cereals


In the case of exercise, ectomorphs should do little cardiovascular activity and focus on exercise to build muscle mass.

  • Exercises with weights or with high physical effort are ideal for shaping the figure and increasing its size.

Mesomorphic body or ‘apple shape’

apple shape

Women with a mesomorphic body, also known as an “apple-shaped” body, are not necessarily obese. The downside is that the fat usually accumulates in the waist area.

When you gain weight, those annoying swimming rings are formed in the abdominal area. In addition, poor dietary habits make it easier to develop inflammation in your stomach.

The ideal diet for women in this category should be composed of:

  • Carbohydrates: 40%
  • Protein: 30%
  • Fat: 30%

Recommended foods

If you belong to this group, try to include the following in your diet:

  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Lean meat, for example turkey or chicken
  • low-fat dairy
  • Nuts and seeds, such as almonds and pumpkin seeds
  • Whole grains and legumes

In addition, avoid:

  • Waste meat or processed food
  • Soft drinks or sugary drinks
  • Fried products and canned food
  • Refined flour


Mesomorphs are said to be “genetically lucky”  because it is easier for them to shape their figure.

Nevertheless, it is essential to supplement the diet with regular exercise, as muscles need to be worked just like any other person.

  • A workout that combines cardiovascular exercises with strength training is ideal.
  • It is also healthy to practice disciplines such as yoga or Pilates. These help to maintain weight and shape muscles.

Endomorph or ‘pear-shaped’ body

pear-shaped body

Those belonging to this category are characterized by a slow metabolism. They are people who tend to suffer from overweight, obesity and other metabolism problems.

It is therefore advisable to reduce calorie consumption by approximately 200 to 500 calories per day in relation to the recommended amount. In addition, salt intake should be limited, as this is more likely to cause fluid retention in endomorphs.

Recommended foods

If you are part of this group, try to take in the following daily:

  • Healthy fats, such as olive oil and avocado
  • Fruits and vegetables that are rich in water, such as cucumber and apple
  • Whole grains
  • Lean meats and fish, such as turkey and tuna

Try to avoid the following foods as much as possible:

  • Junk food and processed food
  • Foods high in sodium, such as chips and salted nuts
  • Sugary drinks or soft drinks
  • Sweets and pastries


To supplement the diet, endomorphs should spend about 30 minutes a day in moderate-intensity aerobics.

  • First of all, walking, jogging or cycling are some of the activities that are ideal for balancing the body weight.
  • When you start losing weight, it is also good to start with strength exercises, two or three times a week.

It is not always easy to recognize our body type, because we often have characteristics of two or more somatotypes at the same time. However, in general, you will usually belong to a specific somatotype. Finding a suitable diet for every body type can therefore be quite difficult.

What is your body type? If you want to improve your figure and weight, find out which category you belong to and adjust your diet according to its needs. That way you get the ideal diet for every body type.

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