The Consequences Of Physically Punishing A Child

Physical punishment is an old and controversial parenting method that can cause more problems than it solves. So don’t try to impose this form of punishment on your children as a way to raise them.
The consequences of physically punishing a child

Despite the fact that we know that physical punishment is not an effective method of parenting, there are still many people who use it as a way to discipline their children. In this article we will explore the consequences of physically punishing a child.

Physically punishing a child has many negative consequences: children who have been punished in this way by their parents can suffer years of damage.

Despite this, many parents feel that it is the best way to educate their children, or to correct their children’s behavior. The most commonly used punishments are:

  • to beat
  • squeeze
  • pulling the hair
  • sometimes even worse

Worryingly, the number of reports of physical punishment is on the rise.

Physical punishment or physical abuse?

hitting a child

There is a fine line between physical punishment and physical abuse. Both are characterized by violent behavior towards a child or a teenager, with the aim of regaining control over them.

  • Physical punishment can be described as the desire to create a painful memory or experience for the child – without harm – with the aim of unlearning certain behaviors from the child.
  • Physical abuse involves inflicting physical harm on a child, often intentionally. Physical abuse can be a result of excessive physical punishment.

Physically punishing a child has consequences for a child’s psyche. It causes a range of mental and emotional problems from an early age.

The consequences of physically punishing a child

Yelling at your child

Despite government campaigns to end corporal punishment, it still occurs. Some people consider it a socially accepted form of violence against children.

People who are in favor of physical punishment defend themselves by stating that it immediately makes a child behave better. Yet it is by no means an effective strategy to teach a child rules of conduct or norms in the long term.

The clearest and most negative consequences of physical punishment:

  • It damages the child’s self-confidence. It makes him or her prone to insecurities, fears and social isolation. 
  • Physical punishment limits a child’s autonomy. Instead, it teaches that it must be submissive to the wishes of others.
  • It affects the emotional development of the child, which evokes feelings of pain, sadness and fear.
  • Physical punishment creates a barrier to communication between the parents and the child. This can continue throughout childhood.
  • It can fuel feelings of abandonment, loneliness, and lack of affection.
  • It hinders the proper development of the social skills that are essential for conflict resolution.
  • It also leads to aggressive or violent behavior towards friends and classmates.
  • It disrupts a child’s learning process: it lowers creativity and hinders the development of feelings and emotional intelligence.
  • Physical punishment deteriorates a child ‘s mental health and cognitive capacity.
  • In addition, it teaches children that violence is the only way to resolve a conflict. That is why many children who have been physically punished by their parents also start to use violence themselves. Once they become adults, they believe that physical punishment is okay, and they will also apply this method to their own children.
  • It causes behavioral problems in society as a whole (for example: destruction of property, theft, civil disobedience, vandalism).

Other consequences of physically punishing a child

Consequences of physically punishing a child

The mental effects are usually proportional to the type of punishment the parents use. However, research shows that victims of this type of violence often end up using physical punishment on their own children.

This usually doesn’t stem from a tendency to hurt others, but rather because they simply don’t know any other form of punishment. As they grow older, they face conflicts that they often resolve with the only means they know: violence.

Moreover, research shows that physical punishment is the main reason some children start using substances such as drugs and alcohol.

Other consequences are that it negatively affects the child ‘s personality, mood and sleep quality. This is possibly due to the increased level of cortisol (the stress hormone), which then leads to a neuro-biological imbalance.

Some final considerations

In summary, it is important to realize that physically punishing a child hinders their emotional and psychological development. That is why you should look for other methods to improve the relationship with your child.

Use positive parenting techniques, for example by:

  • reinforce good behavior.
  • to ignore certain negative behaviors.
  • talk to your child about his or her bad behavior and where it came from.

In short, teach your children to use love and patience, rather than violence and fear.

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