The Benefits Of Physical Activity In Anxiety And Panic

There are countless benefits of regular exercise. For example, it can help you to tackle anxiety and panic complaints. Find out everything you need to know about it in this article!
The benefits of physical activity for anxiety and panic

The benefits of exercise for anxiety and panic are innumerable. This is especially good to know because these are unfortunately common problems today. 

The fast pace of modern life and our excessive drive for success means that developing an anxiety syndrome is almost the only way to sustain it.

It goes without saying that this is dangerous. That’s why we need to look for healthy ways to learn to deal with anxiety and stress. Let’s take a closer look at this.

The benefits of exercise for anxiety and panic

Regular exercise contributes to an improvement in mood and a sense of well-being. That is why people who are anxious should try to move just then.

A study by Dr. Canan (link) on the relationship between exercise and anxiety concludes that exercise can lower the level of anxiety. That is the fear response experienced in a specific and defined situation.

Another study, conducted by a team from the University of Oslo in Norway, also found that regular exercise can lower levels of general anxiety. Especially the kind related to biological and personality factors, which are typical of people who have a tendency to be more anxious and impressionable. They also tend to overestimate risk and maintain a high level of alertness.

When it comes to panic attacks, many people with this disorder fear the symptoms that accompany an attack. In fact, they are hyper-vigilant to any slight variation in their heart rate and breathing, as well as the degree of sweating, for example.

Biological Benefits of Exercise for Anxiety and Panic Attacks

A woman running on the beach

We already know that exercise improves the regulation of the cardiovascular and respiratory system by affecting the autonomic nervous system. At least this is what research suggests from the Universidad de Guayaquil , Ecuador. This improvement can increase the body’s ability to modulate its response to environmental demands.

In addition, this research from the Universidad de Costa Rica (Spanish link) shows that exercise promotes a long-term increase in serotonin, the neurotransmitter of well-being. It is involved in the body’s response to stress. The rise in serotonin levels in the brain can both improve mood and reduce anxiety.

Physical activity also contributes to the stimulation of the pituitary gland, which is involved in the production of endorphins. These endogenous hormones act like morphine and are linked to neurotransmitter functions. They are part of the regulation of pain and the sense of well-being.

Psychological Benefits of Exercise for Anxiety and Panic

Regular exercise also improves mood. According to a study conducted by a team from the Universidade de São Paulo in Brazil, exercise may also be helpful in patients who suffer from insomnia.

Exercise increases the feeling of strength, security and control over yourself and the environment. In this regard, it contributes to a better perception of self-efficacy.

Weekly physical activity can optimize self-esteem as changes in the body contribute to a better body image. They also promote feelings of greater mastery of skills and physical prowess. It is important to choose those activities that are pleasant and enjoyable so that you would like to do them regularly.

Prescribing physical activity in patients with panic disorder has several benefits. Not only because of the traditional advantages, but also because, strategically, panicked patients with (the risk of) self-mutilation should get out of their homes. So physical activity is a way to socialize with other people, whether outdoors or at the gym.

The idea behind this is that a person becomes more social and comes out of isolation. This activates the production of endorphins and thus has a positive influence on body and mind.

Connecting with yourself through exercise

A woman and a man are doing stretching exercises

Everyone should allocate enough time for exercise. Exercise should not be ignored as it is very important for several reasons. Unfortunately, most people rarely realize this.

Many people walk to work because it is close and others go shopping for the same reason. There’s nothing wrong with these activities, but it’s never really about the exercise that comes with them. You need to give exercise its rightful place in your life. It’s a moment just for you, and that’s the goal.

As you can see, it is important to connect with the earth, the music in your headphones, or the sound of nature. These all help to relieve anxiety and panic. In fact, talking about physical activity is talking about body language and connection. It makes it possible to:

  • develop multiple personal resources.
  • improve your aesthetics.
  • to improve health.
  • improve self-esteem.
  • maintain peace of mind.

You should try to connect with yourself by being able to detect what is good for you, and exercise can really help you with that. So don’t wait any longer and get moving!

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