The 7 Best Fruits To Treat Joint Pain

Pineapple can be used to treat bruises and inflammations. The fruit is also very helpful in relieving pain caused by injury or surgery.
The 7 Best Fruits To Treat Joint Pain

Are you one of the people who suffer from joint pain and would you like to treat that joint pain? The condition is more common than you might think, generating millions of dollars in costs for anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving drugs. However, research has shown that these drugs can have many dangerous side effects. So why not try a natural alternative?

1. Treating Joint Pain With Cherries


We love cherries! When the cherry season is here again, this is a fruit that should definitely not be missing from your diet. Not only because cherries are very nutritious, but also because cherries work very well in treating joint pain, inflammation and stiffness. The secret? Cherries are packed with antioxidants.

Opt for sour or unripe cherries

Scientific research has shown that by adding 10 to 15 cherries to your daily diet for 20 days, you can boost certain pain-relieving properties. If you plan on adding this fruit to your diet, remember that tart or unripe cherries are best.

2. The Healthy Pineapple


We know that pineapple is a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants and that the fruit can help cleanse our system and treat constipation. But you’ll never guess. Pineapple is also an extremely good addition to a diet aimed at treating joint pain.

This substance is used to treat bruises and swelling and to relieve the pain associated with joint swelling caused by an accident or surgery. Plus, pineapple is a simple and tasty treat to add to your breakfast.

3. The Hidden Secret in Pomegranate


Sometimes it may take some searching in the supermarket or at the greengrocer’s, but if you manage to get hold of pomegranates regularly, you are doing your health a big favor. Hidden at the heart of this decadent, colorful fruit is a bomb of powerful antioxidants. You’ll notice the difference when you add pomegranate to your daily diet, whether you eat the seeds whole or drink them in juice.

Several studies have shown that this fruit can also be used to prevent damage to cartilage or bone, and that eating pomegranate regularly can reduce inflammatory pain. As you can see, not only man, but also nature is very wise.

4. Passion Fruit

passion fruit

We love the round, smooth skin of passion fruit, the smell and taste that explodes in your mouth like a bomb when you bite through this delicious fruit. Passion fruit is one of the most exotic treats that can reduce pain associated with inflamed or damaged joints, among other things.

Research has shown that if you add passion fruit to your daily diet for thirty days, not only will you experience a significant reduction in the occurrence and degree of pain and discomfort, but your joints will be in generally better condition.

Buy them in season

Passion fruits are not available all year round, but if you see them at your favorite greengrocer, stock up. Whether you juice it or sprinkle it over your favorite salad, passion fruit is the perfect example of the abundance of medicines created by Mother Nature.

5. Dates


Sweet and enchanting, dates have a texture that we enjoy. Dates are rich in vitamins, minerals and especially polyphenols. These elements aid in the regeneration of bone tissue and reduce inflammation, ultimately leading to less joint pain.

You should add six dates to your daily diet. Add them to your breakfast; mix the dates together with some nuts, warm oatmeal and soy milk to start the day in a healthy way. Your body will thank you for getting the energy it needs and your overall health will improve.

6. The Always Good Figs


Whether you’re trying to treat joint pain or even constipation, figs are always a good choice! Fresh figs are full of nutrients . However, nutritionists recommend eating dried figs as they contain more polyphenols.

You can already tell the difference by adding just four dried figs to your daily diet. We recommend cutting the fig in half and mixing it with some nuts. This makes a tasty snack.

7. The medicinal grape


Blue, red or green… there isn’t a grape variety that we don’t love. Whether you eat them whole or drink them juice, grapes are a real treasure for people who want to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.

Also try to swallow the seeds. Grape seeds have healing properties. Grapeseed oil has been used for centuries to treat joint pain.

The secret of a long life

Have you ever thought about what the secret is to longevity? The answer is grapes. Add grapes to your daily diet to not just live a long life. But also to be able to look forward to a life full of youthful energy. Eating grapes can also reduce the pain caused by arthritis and prevent bone breakdown, gout and cardiovascular disease.

Grapes are rich in potassium, antioxidants and vitamin B. And what’s really great is that grapes are readily available for anyone who wishes to take advantage of them.

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