The 5 Best Homemade Insecticides

The advantage of these homemade insecticides is that they give your house and body a very pleasant aroma while keeping insects at bay.
The 5 Best Homemade Insecticides

Do you want to keep insects out of your house? Are you tired of being bitten? There are currently many chemical products that help to combat them. Fortunately, there are also some very effective natural homemade insecticides.

Since you are used to using conventional insecticides, you may be ignoring the fact that some of the ingredients are hazardous to your health and the environment.

That’s why more and more people are starting to create ecological solutions that take advantage of the properties of some natural ingredients to keep insects away.

Although they are not as potent as regular products, their regular use is an alternative for protection without the risk of side effects. Are you ready to try them? Then take a look at the following 5 recipes of homemade insecticides.

The Best Homemade Insecticides

1. Basil Insecticide


Basil is a plant that you can use to make a natural insecticide. Due to its properties, it keeps mosquitoes away and can  prevent allergic reactions from bites.


  • 30 g dried basil
  • 250ml water


  • Place the dried basil in a cup of boiling water.
  • Let the basil steep until the water has cooled down, then drain.
  • Put the liquid in a spray bottle.


  • Spray the insecticide wherever you want to keep the bugs away.
  • Use 2 or 3 times a day.

2. Eucalyptus Insecticide

The aroma of eucalyptus leaves is very unpleasant for insects. Its components repel flies and leave a fresh scent.


  • 30 g eucalyptus leaves
  • 250ml water


  • Add the eucalyptus leaves to a pan of water and cook over low heat for 5 minutes.
  • Let it cool to room temperature, drain, then transfer the liquid to a spray bottle.


  • Spray the liquid in places where you want to repel insects.
  • Use 2 or 3 times a day, as needed.

3. Chamomile Insecticide


A light formula to prevent insect bites is a chamomile blend. This simple insecticide protects your skin from allergies and thus prevents mosquitoes and the like from alighting on it.


  • 30 g dried chamomile flowers
  • 250ml water


  • Add the chamomile flowers to a cup of boiling water.
  • Let the drink stand until it cools and then drain.
  • Pour the product into a spray bottle.


  • Spray the insecticide on your skin or where there are mosquitoes.
  • Use 3 times for best results.

4. Clove Insecticide

The natural oils in cloves contain active ingredients that repel a large amount of insects. Also, the aroma is very helpful for neutralizing those bad odors in some areas of your home.


  • 5 cloves
  • 250ml water


  • Place the cloves in a pan with a cup of water and bring to the boil.
  • Cover the pan as soon as it starts to boil so that the steam does not escape.


  • Remove the lid from the pan in areas where there are many insects.
  • Once there is no more steam, pour the liquid into a spray bottle and spray as much as needed.

5. Lavender Insecticide

lavender oil

Because of its aromatic and relaxing effect, lavender is one of the best options for repelling insects that can be found in certain parts of the home. The smell is very unpleasant for mosquitoes and it is also great for removing bad odors.


  • 30 g dried lavender flowers
  • 250ml water
  • 5 g lavender essential oil


  • Add the lavender to the cup of water in a saucepan.
  • Bring it to a boil over low heat for 8 minutes.
  • Then remove it from the heat and let it cool to room temperature.
  • Drain, mix with the essential oil, then pour into a spray bottle.


  • Spray the insecticide in the areas where you want to repel insects.
  • If necessary, you can spray it on your skin.
  • Repeat this up to 3 times when you are outside.

Have you noticed that traditional insecticides give you an allergic reaction? Do you want to be more environmentally friendly? Then don’t hesitate to prepare these natural homemade insecticides to replace those expensive harmful products.

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