Taking Care Of Your Throat: This Is How You Do It All Year Round

We only think about our throat when we are sick, but we must always take care of it to prevent problems from arising, whether in winter or summer. We will share some natural recommendations with you today.
Taking care of your throat: this is how you do it all year round

While we think it’s just a winter problem, you can also experience a dry throat from air conditioners or from drinking very cold drinks. Today we want to give you some recommendations so that you can take care of your throat all year round.

Recommendations so that you can take care of your throat daily

In winter, it is normal to worry more about our throat, because there are usually more viruses and diseases in our environment.

But what happens when it gets hot? Are you forgetting something as important as the instrument with which we can communicate? We must protect our throat in every season by adopting the following habits.

1. Following a Healthy Diet

Sore Throat and Your Diet

You may not believe it, but everything you eat affects your throat. If your diet is not healthy, you can get sick more quickly. Choose fresh foods, even in winter.

In addition, don’t forget that orange juice is full of vitamin C, which strengthens your immune system. Opt for seasonal fruits for dessert. This way you can take care of your throat all year round.

2. Hydrate and Rehydrate

Drink enough water

To enjoy a healthy throat, it must be moist. We recommend the famous “6 to 8 glasses of water a day” rule to hydrate your vocal cords. This prevents overheating and drying of the area, causing irritation, pain and even hoarseness. Stick to that rule all year round, not just in the summer.

At the same time , we recommend that you avoid too cold drinks. In addition, when it is very hot, reduce your coffee and alcohol consumption. Finally, try replacing dairy (which can increase mucus levels) with plant-based milk.

3. Rest


If you don’t get enough sleep, you may experience throat problems the next day. Your voice may sound “hoarse” and a little muffled.

Sleep restores the whole body and gives it the rest it needs, even the throat. So if you’re straining your vocal cords too much, it’s best to sleep a little more than you normally do.

4. Dress well

dress well

You may think this recommendation only applies to the colder months, but that’s not the case. In the summer, people tend to exaggerate a bit with the air conditioning. Many offices and buildings are so cold that we have to put on an extra layer of clothing.

Cold air can dry out your throat, so we recommend that you have a scarf or other neck accessory handy in all seasons. This way you always have the option to care for and protect your throat. And of course don’t go outside without a scarf in the winter!

5. Eat honey

Honey to take care of your throat

Honey has many general health benefits for us, especially for our throat. It is a powerful antibacterial and antifungal agent that can stop any virus, bacteria or microorganism that tries to enter your body.

Propolis is suitable for:

  • fighting infections
  • reducing the inflammation of the vocal cords
  • reducing drought

You can drink a teaspoon every day on an empty stomach. If you choose honey, use it to sweeten your tea.

6. Preventing Dryness

Some places are extremely dry due to the air conditioning. To give an example: when you get on an airplane, we recommend that you place a towel or damp cloth over your mouth and nose to prevent dehydration and to moisturize your vocal cords.

This can also happen in an office where they use too much air from an air conditioner. Also pay attention! This can also happen in winter when the heating is set very high.

In addition, you should avoid areas with poor ventilation, a lot of smoke or noise, as they are the perfect place for trouble. They are full of fungi and dust that can affect your throat.

7. Don’t Talk

It may sound impossible, but in many cases it helps to keep your lips together and your throat to rest. People in jobs that demand a lot from the vocal cords can especially suffer from a dry throat at the end of the day. Think about:

  • receptionists
  • singers
  • announcers
  • etcetera

When you have a job like that, it’s better not to talk if you don’t have to. By avoiding it, you can take care of your throat and give your vocal cords some rest.

8. No smoking

Toxins from cigarettes and smoke affect not only your lungs, but your entire respiratory system, including the throat and vocal cords.

If you don’t smoke, try to stay away from people who do, otherwise you could still be affected by the ill effects.

9. Cough


If your throat feels uncomfortable, then you should try to resist the habit and not try to clear your throat by coughing.

Instead, you should only cough when something is blocking your airways and you want to eliminate it. By not coughing, you can prevent damage to the vocal cords. If the problem persists, drink a little water or tea of ​​your choice to soothe your throat.

10. Share what you experience

Finally, don’t think too lightly about a sore throat. Although you may not believe it, your throat is connected with emotions. So if something bothers you, you may feel some sort of “knot” that won’t let you breathe or talk properly. In this case, share your experiences and ask for the things you need.

Talk to trusted people (or during therapy) about:

  • your fears
  • frustrations
  • sadness
  • to care

You will see that everything, even your throat, will change for the better.

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