Smoothies For Stronger Hair, Skin And Nails

Not only do these smoothies provide the right vitamins to strengthen your hair and nails from within and revitalize your skin, but they are also very satiating and nourishing and ideal for breakfast.
Smoothies for stronger hair, skin and nails

Do you have thin hair that breaks quite quickly and falls out easily? Do you notice that you suffer from dry skin? Do you suffer from brittle nails? Here are some tips for stronger hair, skin and nails!

In this article we will recommend a number of smoothies that, in addition to containing many other nutrients, are especially rich in:

  • silicon
  • biotin
  • vitamin A

You can drink these smoothies very well for breakfast or as a snack to ensure that your hair, skin and nails will grow stronger from the inside out. Moreover, these smoothies are very tasty.

Nutritious smoothies for stronger hair, skin and nails

Smoothies are an easy and very appealing way to provide your body with many vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. In addition, smoothies are extremely satiating and can help you maintain the right weight. That is why it is recommended for everyone to consume smoothies.

In this article we will share with you some smoothie recipes, which are mainly aimed at improving your hair, skin and nails. Nevertheless, you will probably experience many more benefits if you drink these smoothies daily and your overall well-being may also improve.

It is best to drink these smoothies in the morning for breakfast. You can choose to drink the required amount right away, but you can also pour the smoothie into a bottle and drink it gradually during the morning.

It is also possible to drink the smoothies in the afternoon. However, we recommend that you only drink one glass. The smoothies are very rich and in general we don’t move that much in the afternoon.

Try them one by one and create new recipes by combining the ingredients in different ways. The whole family will love it.

Drink for stronger hair, skin and nails

Smoothie rich in silicon

Silicon is part of the structure of your hair, skin and nails. Unfortunately, the amount of silicon in your body starts to decline as you get older, especially after your 40s.

This is especially true for women. When a woman enters the menopause, estrogen levels drop significantly and this can cause silicon levels to drop more quickly.

For this smoothie we have therefore chosen foods that are mainly rich in silicon, but which also contain other good vitamins and minerals.


This cereal is an important source of silicon (595 mg per 100 grams) and is also an excellent choice for breakfast. Oats are both nourishing and filling.


This fruit contains perhaps the most silicon of all fruits. In addition, pears also give a delicious sweet taste to your smoothie.

brewer’s yeast

This supplement should be an essential part of any natural treatment for the skin and hair and is also very high in silicon.

Amounts for two people or two servings:

  • 2 tablespoons oat flakes, which have been soaked for two hours
  • or even better, a glass of oat milk
  • 2 ripe pears
  • if you use oatmeal, also add 150 ml of water
Smoothie for stronger hair, skin and nails

Smoothie rich in biotin

Biotin, also called vitamin H or vitamin B7, is an essential nutrient for many bodily tissues, including your hair, skin and nails. Biotin is especially important when your hair, skin or nails are fine or fragile.

For this smoothie you need the following ingredients:


In addition to other fruits, bananas also contain a huge amount of biotin.


This delicious red fruit will not only add biotin, but also a delicious taste to your smoothie.


This nut is an extremely good choice if you want to get more biotin and in addition, walnuts also contain vitamin E and healthy fats.

Amounts for two servings:

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 6 to 8 ripe strawberries
  • 5 peeled, raw walnuts
  • 150ml water
strawberry smoothie

Smoothie rich in vitamin A

Vitamin A helps regenerate body tissue and is good for dry skin and hair. You can find this vitamin mainly in oranges and green vegetables and fruits.

We especially recommend this smoothie for people who suffer from dry hair or skin and for those who want to promote the growth of their hair and nails.


Carrots are not only rich in vitamin A, but can also be used in smoothies thanks to their sweet taste.


This fruit contains almost all the nutrients you need except for a few and should therefore certainly not be missing in your diet.


If your body is able to digest milk properly, this drink is a very good source of vitamin A. If your body is not able to do this, you can replace milk with yogurt or a vegetable drink.

Amounts for two people or two servings:

  • 2 peeled and grated carrots
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 1 cup milk, yogurt or vegetable drink 

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