Skipping Breakfast Causes Weight Gain

Instead of making you fat from breakfast, breakfast actually activates your metabolism, so that your body starts burning fat right from the start of the day. In addition, breakfast provides you with the energy you need to get through the day.
Skipping breakfast causes weight gain

According to the Spanish Agency of Consumer Affairs, Food Security, and Nutrition , nearly 30% of the world’s population goes out in the morning skipping breakfast. Instead, for example, these people drink a cup of coffee when they arrive at work.

Surprising, isn’t it? An even more worrying fact is that only 3% of children today eat a healthy breakfast on a regular basis .

For example, most of us—children included—often limit ourselves to a glass of milk and some form of pasta. Something sweet and potent makes us feel instantly satiated and leave with a little bit of energy.

But where does this lead in the longer term? Day after day we are all getting fatter and fatter.

Another misconception we’d like to clear up is the idea that skipping breakfast will make you lose weight faster. In this article we therefore explain what can happen to your body if you skip that first meal of the day. Hopefully this information will help you make the right choice from now on.

Did you know that skipping breakfast makes you gain weight?

This may surprise you, but the reasons people almost always give for going out and skipping breakfast fall into the following categories:

  • Lack of time
  • Had a big supper the night before
  • I want to lose some pounds

If any of these reasons sound familiar to you, it’s important to understand the health implications of this continued ‘fasting’.


Starting the day without eating is directly linked to a drop in energy a few hours later, poor intellectual performance, fatigue and a bad mood.

Did you know that your brain uses about 20% of the energy you consume to function properly? When you do not get enough nutrients and vitamins, you feel sluggish and you suffer from headaches, which means that you are also unable to perform well at work.


People who skip breakfast often suffer from constipation.

metabolic syndrome

People who skip breakfast often suffer from what experts call the ‘metabolic syndrome’. In this syndrome, fat often accumulates around the abdomen. This is mainly because when your body senses that it isn’t getting enough food, it starts activating enzymes that store a reserve of fat.

Unlike losing weight, your body collects and stores all the lipids and fats it can find to prevent later deficiency. The abdomen, and especially the lower abdomen, is a favorite place for this.

belly fat

Fat on the abdomen can lead to  high triglyceride levels, high blood pressure and high blood sugar. These conditions can all cause serious cardiovascular problems in the long run .

Heart attack in men

According to an interesting study conducted by Harvard University’s School of Public Health in Boston, men who go out without breakfast or after just drinking a cup of coffee have a greater risk of heart attack after several years.

So, as you can see, there are a lot of risks associated with skipping breakfast. Not only does this habit slow your metabolism, but by causing fat to be stored in certain parts of the body, it can lead to even more serious problems over time.

So always try to have breakfast!

Six tips for a healthy breakfast that won’t make you gain weight

Yogurt with Grains

1. Try Incorporating Whole Wheat

Oats are one of the healthiest breakfast options out there. Oatmeal paired with some slices of apple and a few grapes is a really delicious breakfast. Rye bread is also very healthy to add to your breakfast. With some organic plum jam and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, this really is a treat you’re sure to love.

2. Try eating some protein too – surprised?

You are probably already aware of the fact that proteins are essential for building muscle mass. What is the point of losing weight if your skin is completely flabby afterwards?

A healthy breakfast should always contain a good portion of protein, such as a hard-boiled egg. Together with some olive oil this can be really delicious. You can also choose to make a Spanish omelette, for example.

3. Milk, tea or coffee?

We usually recommend that you try drinking plant-based milks, such as almond, oat, or rice milks, or milks made from other types of nuts. These milks are lactose-free and offer a bomb of energy.

You can also drink this milk well in your coffee or even with a cup of green tea. You really can’t go wrong with this milk.

4. Eat some fruit

And do you know which fruit is the best option? The fruit you like best. Whether it’s green apple, pear, kiwi, strawberry, papaya or pineapple, it doesn’t matter. It is best to choose fresh fruit.

If you’re wondering whether you can drink fruit juice instead of fresh fruit, remember that fruit juices almost always contain added sugars. So it is always better to eat a piece of fruit, with the skin, or to make your own fruit juice, so that you are sure that the juice consists only of fruits.

5. Don’t forget the nuts!

You can safely eat a handful of nuts every day. In addition to all the other healthy benefits, nuts also ensure that you get a good dose of magnesium and healthy fatty acids such as omega 3.

6. Say ‘yes’ to probiotics

One of the best choices is natural Greek yogurt that has no added sugars. Yogurt gets your metabolism going while replenishing healthy gut bacteria that aid digestion.

So now you know… never leave the house without breakfast!

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