Six Ways To Disinfect Your Sink At Home

When it comes to cleaning and disinfecting your sink, there are many things to consider. You have to be aware of the material they are made of to avoid causing damage.
Six ways to disinfect your sink at home

The sink is one of the places in your house that usually traps the most bacteria. This is mainly because they are in constant contact with moisture and food residues. It is therefore very useful to know how to disinfect your sink at home.

It is very important to keep your house clean. This affects the health of all the people living in your home. It is therefore essential to clean everything properly. Especially you:

  • kitchen
  • bathroom
  • sinks

Given the functions, these spaces are the source of many bacteria. In this article we will tell you how to properly disinfect these places.

Six ways to disinfect your sink at home

disinfect your sink at home

1. Wash and disinfect your sink with a mild soap

This is a classic alternative that most people are familiar with. This method is perfect for sinks made of stainless steel. You can wash and disinfect your sink with mild soap in the following way:

  • Dilute some neutral soap in hot water first.
  • Wet a cloth with this mixture and clean your sinks with it.
  • Finally, rinse your sink with water and dry it with another cloth.

It is also best to use a neutral soap for synthetic sinks. You can use the same procedure described above for these sinks.

2. Baking Soda And Lemon

You can use these two products to properly clean your stainless steel sink. The baking soda ensures that you can effortlessly remove food and grease residues.

You use these two products in the following way:

  • Combine the two products with some water until a paste is formed. Then use a soft sponge to scrub your sink well with this product.
  • Then rinse your sink with water.

Lemon is a very effective rust remover. Rust often occurs around the faucet. This remedy will also ensure that your sink will shine again.

Avoid using scouring pads. These can damage the surface of your sink. In addition, be careful with products such as:

  • bleach water
  • salt
  • white vinegar
  • other corrosive agents

3. Vinegar

Vinegar is a natural antibacterial agent. You can therefore use it to disinfect your sink. You use it in the following way:

  • Pour some white vinegar over a sponge.
  • Then scrub your stainless steel sink and the surrounding surfaces with this sponge.
  • Then rinse it with some water.

4. Options for cleaning a granite sink

These sinks are recommended by many people because they last a very long time. In addition, they are very clean and they give a nice look to almost any room. 

Granite or marble sinks are best cleaned with a mild liquid soap. Use a soft cloth or a soft sponge for this. This way you can remove dirt and grease in no time.

However, never use abrasives. Abrasive cleaners can damage and make your granite sink unsightly.

5. Synthetic or composite sinks

synthetic and composite sinks

Synthetic washbasins and washbasins made with composite resin are usually known for their longevity. This immediately ensures that they are very easy to clean and disinfect.

Also make sure not to use corrosive agents when cleaning these sinks. Since sinks are slippery, don’t use steel wool or other materials that could damage your sink. Drying your sink is a way to keep it looking good for longer.

6. Glass sink

Glass sinks have become a popular option for the bathroom. However, many people wonder how to properly clean them. 

The answer is quite simple. We recommend that you use products that are specifically intended for glass. You can also use a mixture of water and vinegar. After a good cleaning, you can dry your sink with a kitchen towel.

Final considerations about disinfecting your sink

Remedies such as neutral soap, baking soda, vinegar and lemon are generally suitable for disinfecting your sink.

It is important to avoid metal objects that could damage the surface of your sink. Also, don’t forget that you shouldn’t use abrasives. These agents can cause your sink to corrode.

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