Six Foods That Fight Gallstones

Both for fighting gallstones and preventing them from forming, it is essential that we include foods rich in fiber in our diet.
Six Foods That Fight Gallstones

Has your doctor told you that you suffer from gallstones and that you need to change your diet? There are some foods that fight gallstones, did you know?

Above all, stay calm, as this medical problem is not a serious illness.

Usually, your doctor will recommend a diet or suggest you see a nutritionist to explain your nutritional needs.

If not, or if the information you were given was incomplete, we’ll tell you about those foods that fight gallstones. Include them regularly in your diet and don’t forget to reduce your fat consumption.

What are Gallstones?

Gallstones are small formations that arise from the excessive build-up of bile in the gallbladder.

Bile helps to process the fats we eat. If your diet is rich in unhealthy fats, it is possible that you could suffer from this problem at any time.

What are the foods that fight gallstones?

1. Whole Grains

Whole grains

A high-fiber diet helps eliminate fats and reduce gallstones.

It is necessary to consume at least one serving of whole grains per day. As they pass through the gut, the fibers capture and remove the excess bile juices that have been released.

In this way they are not reabsorbed into the body and the gallbladder remains empty.

The foods you should consume include:

  • wheat bran
  • Brown rice
  • Oats

2. Buckwheat

In addition, eating buckwheat also helps to reduce the formation of gallstones. Plus, it keeps your body fat levels low, as it’s rich in insoluble fiber.

Buckwheat provides us with vitamins B and E and is an excellent source of minerals. If you are one of those people who really like bread, a great option is to replace regular bread with bread made from buckwheat.

3. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits have properties that stimulate bile expulsion and fight gallstones. Therefore, they should be included in your daily diet.

Citrus juices also contain pectin. This is another substance necessary for removing gallstones.

However, when you are thinking about how to add these fruits to your diet, it is important that you avoid juices, especially the commercial ones.

  • The best option is to eat the whole fruit. This way you can absorb all the fiber and nutrients that are in the fruit and pulp.
  • Drinking just the juice puts you at risk for glucose spikes that can affect other areas of your health.

4. Foods Rich in Lecithins

There are components in bile such as lecithin or phospholipids that are tasked with preventing the formation of gallstones. When this component is not found in the right amounts, gallstones form.

By consuming foods containing this component, you will help reduce the size and risk of these stones forming.

Among the foods that contain lecithin are:

  • nuts
  • soy
  • lentils
  • Chickpeas
  • Peas

We recommend that you include these foods in your daily diet. Remember to keep an eye on your portions as these foods are high in carbohydrates and can cause weight gain.

5. Artichokes


Artichokes are one of the other foods that fight gallstones. After all, it improves liver health and gallbladder health thanks to its high content of cynarin.

Cynarin is a substance that contributes to bile stimulation and improves the functioning of the liver.

We understand that it is not common for some people to include artichokes in their diet. If you are one of these people, it might be a good time to learn new recipes.

In case you prefer something simpler, choose to drink the following artichoke water:


  • 1 small artichoke
  • 1 liter of water


  • Wash and disinfect the artichoke well.
  • Put cold water and the finely chopped artichoke in a container.
  • Let it steep overnight.
  • Strain the water the next day and drink it throughout the day.

6. Grapes and Blueberries

Grapes and blueberries are rich in resveratrol, a component with a high antioxidant index that combats the damage that the gallbladder may have suffered from gallstones.

If you are already undergoing treatment to address this problem, the resveratrol will help you with the recovery.

  • The best thing to do is eat half a cup of grapes or fresh blueberries a day.
  • If you don’t have these fruits on hand, you can opt for half a cup of blueberry juice or a glass of red wine.

How do you prevent the build-up of gallstones?

If you already have gallstones, your doctor will definitely give you some instructions on how to combat the problem and put it behind you quickly.

In the event that the doctor has told you that the gallstones have formed recently, it is important that you do the following:

  • Don’t skip meals.
  • Avoid weight gain.
  • Reduce the consumption of foods rich in unhealthy fats.

Also, don’t forget to follow the instructions your doctor has given you.

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