Seven Tips To Slow Down Hair Loss

Your habits, diet and genetics are some of the factors why you are experiencing hair loss. Still, here are some tips to reduce it.
Seven tips to slow down hair loss

Hair loss is less common in women than in men. It is a natural process that appears over time and in some cases it happens sooner than in others. However, it is possible to slow down hair loss. Here you can find out how to do that.

Are you one of those people who has noticed that your hair is falling out more than usual? If this is the case, we recommend the following tips to slow down this problem.

slow down hair loss

During your childhood you can lose between 50 and 80 hairs per day. This happens because the life cycle of each hair is 2 to 7 years. After completing a cycle, each hair follicle forms new hair within about three months.

Some of the reasons for hair loss can include:

  • a bad diet
  • A number of diseases and treatments
  • Nervousness
  • stress
  • Hormonal changes
  • Genetics

Also, some external factors such as hot weather, chemicals, hair dryers and hair straighteners contribute to this problem.

After a hair falls out, new, finer hair forms with a shorter life cycle. After this process has taken place several times, the follicle also closes completely and this hair no longer grows.

Seven effective tips to slow down hair loss

1. Massaging the scalp to slow down hair loss

Massage the scalp to stop hair loss

It is the easiest thing you can do to prevent hair loss. You don’t have to spend money for this. Only if you want to, you can do this by applying almond oil or another essential oil.

A daily scalp massage improves blood circulation and activates the function of the hair follicles. It is also a relaxing technique.

2. Rub onion juice on your scalp

Before going to sleep, rub onion juice on your scalp and let it sit overnight. Remove it in the morning with a good wash to prevent the smell from lingering. It is very easy to prepare.


  • 1 onion
  • 200 ml water (1 glass)


  • First, start by mixing a peeled onion with a glass of water in the blender. Then mix it for a few minutes until it is smooth.
  • You can also do the same with garlic juice and ginger. Both are equivalent to onion juice.
  • Only use one type of juice at a time, so don’t mix it.

3. Rinse with potato water

Another option that will help you slow down hair loss is potato and rosemary water. It is quite cheap and easy to make. You can wash your hair and decide for yourself whether you want to rinse the hair afterwards or not.


  • 3 potatoes
  • Rosemary leaves (as desired)
  • 1 liter of water (4 cups)


  • First, cut the potatoes into slices. After that, mix them in a pan with rosemary leaves and boil them in a liter of water.
  • Strain the preparation and then let it rest.
  • Wash your hair as usual and use this mixture at room temperature every day as a rinse.
  • The amount of ingredients depends on the length of your hair.

4. Apply aloe vera

Different uses with aloe vera

Make a juice with aloe vera and coconut oil to strengthen your hair. Apply it to your hair, let it sit for half an hour and then rinse it out with a shampoo and conditioner of your choice.


  • 1 aloe vera leaf
  • 3 drops coconut oil


  • To start, take an aloe vera leaf, peel it to remove the crystal, and then wash it thoroughly.
  • Then process the crystal with three drops of coconut oil. Then, once it forms a homogeneous mixture, apply it to your hair from root to tip.
  • You can replace the coconut oil with olive oil or almond oil, whichever you prefer. Don’t worry about the aloe vera smell as the oil will hide it.
  • Repeat this treatment once a week.

5. Eat More Protein

Add more protein foods to your daily diet to slow down hair loss. Most foods rich in protein also contain vitamin B12, which strengthens your hair.

Remember that your diet depends on the proper functioning of your body. This includes increasing the production of collagen and other compounds essential to the health of your hair.

6. Reduce your stress

Stress can promote hair loss. Try to do some physical activity for at least half an hour a day, such as walking, swimming, cycling, or any other sport of your choice. Yoga also helps to reduce stress levels.

If you are dealing with certain situations, talk to a trusted person or a specialist as they can help you reduce your stress. Another option to calm your level of anxiety, nervousness, and stress is to drink herbal teas such as chamomile.

7. Taking Vitamins

Often people start taking vitamins when they are adults. Vitamin A is an antioxidant that stimulates the sebaceous gland on the scalp.

Vitamin B aids in the production of melanin, which in turn stimulates blood circulation. Similarly, vitamin E improves circulation and keeps hair follicles healthy and active.

There are excellent commercial products. However, there is no need to spend a lot of money and time on slowing down hair loss. You can always take an option that nature offers.

Follow these tips and you’ll develop new habits for holding each hair in place. This will keep your hair looking great for a longer period of time.

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