Seven Things Not To Do After Eating

While many people have the habit of going for a walk or nap after dinner, you really should hold off on these activities so they don’t upset your digestive system. Learn more in this article!
Seven things not to do after eating

Many people have a little free time after eating their main meals and to take advantage of that time they have developed certain habits to enjoy themselves or relax. These bad after-dinner habits have spread throughout the population.

They may not seem very harmful, but over time, these activities can potentially contribute to annoying symptoms or serious health problems.

Since many people are not aware of these risks, we want to show them in detail. Discover them here in this article!

Bad habits after eating

1. Sleep

Sleep after dinner

Taking a nap or going to sleep after dinner could lead to troublesome digestive symptoms.

While this is a relaxing and necessary habit for many people, it is important to keep in mind that it can directly affect the digestive process.

When the body is lying down, the gastric juice is not completely in the stomach. Thus, the nutrients of the food are not fully absorbed.

It can also cause problems in the esophagus, due to the acidic nature of the stomach acid that refluxes and causes a burning sensation.

2. Smoking

It’s no secret that the bad habit of smoking has serious consequences for the lungs and heart. What some people don’t know, however, is that the risks can be even higher if you smoke after a meal.

This is because the nicotine mixes with the excess oxygen needed for digestion, potentially facilitating the absorption of carcinogens.

3. Eating fruits

Fruit Salad

Some people may think that fruit is a healthy alternative to supplement the most important meals of the day. After all, it is sweet, versatile and seems like a good option to replace traditional desserts.

What few people know, however, is that it ‘s best to eat fruit on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning before breakfast or between meals. 

This is because fruits require different enzymes to be properly digested and their natural sugars take longer to be fully absorbed.

Without digesting other foods at once, the body benefits from all their nutrients, fiber and simple sugars, giving you more energy.

4. Take a shower

Taking a shower is relaxing and good for circulation. But it’s not ideal to do this right after eating, as it can weaken the digestive system.

A douche increases blood flow to the hands and parts of the body, thus reducing the amount of blood going to the stomach. As a result, your stomach may not function properly, which can cause pain, inflammation and swelling.

5. Drinking cold water

Drinking Cold Water After Meals: Bad Habits After Eating

Drinking cold water during or after meals can cause digestive problems. It causes nutrients to stick together and complicates the processes of absorbing nutrients and separating waste.

6. Drinking tea

Although tea is a healthy drink, it is not advisable to drink it with main meals. It interrupts the absorption of iron because it contains a substance called tannic acid, which binds to proteins and this mineral.

As a result, 87% less iron is absorbed, which can lead to chronic anemia.

This nutrient is essential for producing red blood cells in the blood and so can cause iron deficiency symptoms such as:

  • chest pain
  • Pale skin
  • Weakness and extreme fatigue
  • Nails that break easily
  • Lack of appetite
  • Cold hands and feet

Therefore, drinking tea should not be missing from the list of bad habits after eating.

7. Walk or Jog

Jogging after dinner

It’s a mistake to think that exercise after eating will help you lose weight and burn calories.

While it cannot be denied that jogging and walking are healthy,  eating a lavish meal can cause digestive upset and discomfort.

So it is not advisable to exercise until 30 minutes after eating a meal. If you do go for a walk earlier, don’t do it for more than 10 minutes.

Do you recognize any of these bad habits after eating? If so, make a mental note and try to avoid it from now on so they don’t endanger your health.

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