Say Goodbye To Neck Pain With These 6 Natural Solutions

While stretching and targeted movement can be effective for soothing neck pain, be careful not to force anything or you will make it worse. Learn about 6 great natural remedies to help fix your neck pain.
Say goodbye to neck pain with these 6 natural solutions

Neck pain is a known problem caused when the muscles in this area contract, making it difficult to move your head.

In most cases, it is the result of sleeping in bad posture, or having bad posture in general. However, it can also be caused by trauma or chronic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Someone with neck pain may be happy with it for a few days, because the muscle contraction is often a long-lasting problem. The neck pain is also often accompanied by headaches and difficulty moving.

However, it is a harmless condition that can be easily treated with natural remedies to get you completely better in no time. Since you might wake up with neck pain on any given day, we’d like to share 6 great solutions you can use the next time it happens.

6 natural solutions for neck pain

1. Essential Lavender Oil

lavender oil

Lavender essential oil has soothing, anti-inflammatory properties that can help with neck stiffness and pain.

The relaxing scent reduces stress associated with this condition while helping your muscles relax.

What should I do?

  • First, put a little lavender essential oil on your palms.
  • Then rub them together.
  • M asseer oil then gently around your neck.
  • Then make gentle movements for  5 to 8 minutes and repeat this twice a day, if necessary.

2. Exercise and stretch

Exercising and stretching your muscles is a good way to relieve the pain and stiffness you experience in your neck.

It helps you regain full muscle function and minimizes the effects of overstretching.

What should I do?

Take a few minutes to do neck stretches:

  • Make circular movements with your shoulder blades.
  • Stretch your neck forward and back, rotating.
  • Stretch your chest muscles.
  • Strengthen your shoulder muscles.
  • Do isometric exercises.

3. Orange Tea Poultice

orange peel

This orange tea is relaxing and anti-inflammatory. It helps to relieve tension and stress in the neck area.

Using it with a warm compress  helps to soothe pain and reduce the muscle contraction that causes this problem.

What should I do?

  • First boil some orange peel in water. When you have a good tea, soak a clean cloth in the liquid.
  • Make sure it is a safe temperature for your skin  and then apply it to the area.
  • Repeat it two or three times a day.

4. Rosemary Oil

Rosemary oil has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving powers that relax your aching neck and shoulder muscles once absorbed.

A massage with this oil improves circulation in the area and makes you feel better within minutes.

What should I do?

  • Apply a small amount of rosemary oil first.
  • Then rub it around your neck and shoulders using gentle, circular motions.
  • Avoid applying too much pressure as this can make the condition worse.
  • Repeat the massage up to twice a day.

5. Arnica


Arnica is a potent muscle relaxant that can improve your neck pain when used topically.

Once absorbed, it reduces inflammation while simultaneously activating your circulation to improve oxygenation to stiff muscles.

What am I doing?

  • First, put a few drops of arnica in a cup of warm water.
  • Then apply it immediately with a cotton cloth as a compress.
  • Then let it rest for 10 minutes and repeat the treatment twice a day.

6. Cold bandage

Applying a cold bandage directly is an effective way to lower inflammation and improve blood flow to the affected areas in your neck.

What should I do?

  • First, crush a few ice cubes and wrap them in a clean cloth or put them in a plastic bag to make a bandage.
  • Then apply it to the areas where you feel pain
  • Then let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes, until the inflammation subsides.
  • After this time, apply a heated cloth to ensure the soothing effect of the treatment.
  • Rest and repeat twice a day.

Ready to try these natural remedies? If you have an annoying neck pain, choose one of the above solutions to find quick relief.

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