Repel Lice And Nits With Natural Products

Lice are without a doubt a scourge for children’s heads and a concern for mothers. It is very likely that your children will contract pediculosis (the scientific name) when they go to school, a hobby club or the park.
Repel lice and nits with natural products

In this article, we will discuss some of the most effective remedies for getting rid of lice and nits.

Natural Alternatives to Chemical Remedies

When you go to the pharmacy, drugstore or supermarket, you will find a whole range of products specially formulated to kill nits and lice. However, you can never be 100% sure how harmful these products are for your children. And especially for small children.

Many people also have an allergic reaction to these products or develop a skin rash. That’s because they are too strong for the scalp. They are also not always equally effective. After all, the lice and nits (the eggs of lice) simply return after the treatment.

Lice Control

That’s why you might be better off using homemade products. These are the same products that our parents and grandparents also used to remove the parasite. It not only feeds on our blood, but also causes itching and discomfort.

Homemade remedies to get rid of lice and nits

Comb Lice

Ancient remedies are very effective and will help you remove those unbearable lice from your children’s hair or your own in just a few days. The best known lice remedies are:


Spray against lice
  • An infusion of eucalyptus leaves You can buy this liquid from the grocer or make your own at home with some of the leaves (their characteristic aroma also helps clear a stuffy nose). Boil two cups of water with the leaves and let it cool down until it is cold or lukewarm.
  • Once it has reached the ideal temperature, simply pour the infusion over your child’s head. Massage the liquid in slowly so that it penetrates the hair roots and scalp, where the lice live and lay their eggs. Then you can rinse the hair or just leave the infusion.
  • An infusion of rosemary:  A very effective liquid for lice. This infusion can be prepared in the same way as that with eucalyptus leaves.

Lavender and vinegar

Mayonnaise against lice
  • Lavender Extract:  Apply directly to the scalp and then shower, but not when the hair is too wet. Lavender extract can be found in many stores. You can go a long way with just a few drops. Be careful though, because sometimes mixtures are sold that don’t work.
  • Only pure lavender extract is effective. Apply the extract to the roots of your hair and gently massage your scalp. Don’t forget to use gloves.
  • Apple cider vinegar: Some people say this is the best treatment for preventing lice from clinging to the hair. The components of this vinegar are aggressive to the insects, so that they not only die, but also will no longer come near the hair.
  • Also, this vinegar is even better for getting rid of nits, as it allows them to come off the hair without you having to comb or search for them.
  • When you’re done bathing, apply a mixture of two-thirds water and one-third apple cider vinegar to the scalp. You can also sprinkle a few drops on your dry hair (before going to school, for example) to keep the lice away. The only problem is that this remedy doesn’t smell fresh, which will make your kids smell like salad.


Comb Lice
  • Aromatic oils : Many of these oils help to eliminate lice and nits. Some of the most effective include coconut, jasmine, geranium, and aniseed oils. They are easy to find and all you need to do is apply a few drops to the scalp. The good news is that these oils also make your hair shinier and healthier.
  • Mayonnaise: Apply one or more tablespoons of mayonnaise to dry hair, without washing. Make sure the entire scalp and hair roots are covered. The oily, heavy texture of the mayonnaise will suffocate the lice within minutes.
  • To optimize the effect, you can put on a shower cap and leave it on for about eight hours. Once the eight hours are up, remove the shower cap and wash your hair with warm water.
  • Then divide your hair into pieces and comb through with a fine-toothed comb. Do this gently so that you don’t pull out any hair. Wait 7 to 10 days before repeating this treatment.
  • Olive Oil : Heat a good amount of extra virgin olive oil and once it has reached a tolerable temperature, apply it to the scalp and roots after shampooing. Then massage the scalp in circles and cover your head with a shower cap.
  • Wear this cap all night while sleeping and wash off the oil in the morning with plenty of warm water. Comb your hair with a fine-toothed comb to remove all lice and nits. Repeat this treatment for three consecutive nights. The hair not only becomes lice-free, but also radiant and soft.

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