Rejuvenate Your Eyes With These Tricks

Rejuvenate your eyes with these tricks

Your eyes are a sign of your identity. Not only do they reflect your soul, but they also say something about your health. They can show traces of fatigue, a sleepless night or the passage of time. That’s why we share some tricks that can help you rejuvenate your eyes.

Your eyes are not only subject to your internal emotions, but they are also very vulnerable to the environment. That is why it is important, for example, to ensure that you do not spend too many hours behind your computer or with your mobile. Artificial light is very harmful to the eyes. Below we give you some tips on how to rejuvenate your eyes .

What typical eye problems are there?

Woman who wants to rejuvenate her eyes

  • Drooping or drooping eyelids. This can have many causes. You may wake up in the morning with slightly swollen and inflamed eyelids. Poor sleep or lack of hydration can cause fluid to build up in your eyelids. Moreover, the passage of time will make these characteristics even more pronounced.
  • Crow’s feet. These are very small wrinkles that form in the corners of your eyes when you smile or make any other facial expression. They appear by reducing the elasticity of your skin. Genetics and sun exposure also play a role. Crow’s feet can be treated fortunately.
  • Dark circles under your eyes. Everyone has them. These ‘pockets’ appear under your eyes and are a dark or purple color. They can be the result of fatigue, lack of sleep, illness or even emotional problems.
  • Wallen. Who hate those annoying puffiness not? They arise as a result of hormonal changes or fluid retention. They make your face ugly and give it an expression of fatigue.
  • dullness. Tiredness, an eye condition, aging and not blinking enough are some of the causes. However, there are ways to get rid of it.

Rejuvenate your eyes with a few handy tips

Rejuvenate your eyes with remedies for wrinkles around the eyes

Rejuvenate your eyes with egg

  • Protein : This may surprise you, but protein is recognized as a good moisturizer and is a good means of firming loose skin. It is also good against expression lines. Applying is simple: you just take an egg white, spread it on the skin around your eyes and massage it in gently. Do this every morning and you will gradually see your skin tighten and become more wrinkle-free.
  • Avocado: A source of vitamin E and fatty acids. It is great as a moisturizer and for fighting free radicals. Simply take the flesh of half an avocado, crush it and apply it in the evening for fifteen minutes. Then rinse it off with water.
  • Cucumber: This is one of the most well-known and effective remedies. Cucumber is rich in vitamin C and caffeic acid. It stimulates the production of healthy skin tissue and moisturizes the skin. Place a slice of cucumber on each eye or grind half a cucumber into a paste and spread it around your eyes.
    • Apply it for fifteen minutes. After that you will see that your eyes look much fresher and healthier.

Rejuvenate your eyes with remedies for dark circles and puffiness

Rejuvenate your eyes with roses

  • Chamomile : This is a very well known remedy. Chamomile works very well against inflammation, relaxes and will improve blood circulation to your eyes, reducing moisture retention. Make an infusion with two bags of chamomile tea. Let the tea cool, dip two cotton balls in it. Then place these cotton balls on your eyes for fifteen minutes. This will bring relief.
  • Cucumber and Milk:  This is perfect for reactivating circulation and detoxifying puffiness or dark circles around the eyes. It is very simple to apply. Place a glass of milk in the refrigerator for fifteen minutes. Then soak two cucumber slices in it and place them on your eyes. You get immediate results.
  • Rose Petals: This is another good remedy for puffiness and dark circles around the eyes. Take eight or nine rose petals and place them in a pitcher with four tablespoons of almond oil. Then let them soak in the dark for a day (no sunlight should get to them). The next day, take a cotton ball and massage your eyes with the substance. This remedy is very effective and also very enjoyable.

Rejuvenate your eyes by massaging them

Woman who wants to rejuvenate her eyes

You can also rejuvenate your eyes by massaging them. This will also make them look much healthier. The technique reactivates the circulation and the tone of your eyes and skin. It will make your eyes more expressive and lively.

  1. Start by thoroughly washing your hands and applying one of the previous remedies. For example, you can use egg white, avocado or a cream of cucumber. Then massage the skin around your eyes by making circular movements. Continue massaging your eyelid and finally your eyebrows. Always make circular movements.
  2. Now use your thumb and forefinger to massage your nose bridge. Place both fingers just next to your tear ducts and make small circular movements. This reactivates the circulation.
  3. Then grab your eyelids and gently pull them upwards. Again, massage each eyelid in a circular fashion.
  4. Then gently tap the area around your bags with your middle finger .
  5. Finally, a moment of relaxation follows, where you cover your eyes with your palms for a minute.
  6. Repeat the entire cycle three times.

Images Courtesy of Polly Mcarthy, Eduardo Medina 

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