Recommendations For Long Journeys By Car

Prevention is essential when making long car journeys. Take note of the following suggestions to avoid discomfort, travel safely and have a great vacation!
Recommendations for long car journeys

Do long car journeys appeal to you? Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to get tired of being behind the wheel while traveling. This alternative is full of advantages and the most important is that you can arrange everything from start to finish.

Regardless of the distance , driving is often cheaper and it increases the possibilities of taking different routes. While it’s best to leave with an itinerary, you can always improvise if there’s any discomfort or you just feel like it. Other benefits of traveling by car include:

  • the possibility to take as much luggage as you want.
  • avoid queues at train stations or airports.
  • to be able to stop whenever you want.
  • to enjoy the scenery.
  • to have more freedom.

Tips for long journeys by car

Prevention and planning is really essential when making long car journeys. So keep the following considerations in mind to make long car journeys enjoyable and safe.

1. Plan your route

If you plan ahead, you reduce the chance that something will go wrong. Once you’ve chosen your destination, determine the distances and stopping points to create a route. See where the roads you drive are and where gas stations, hostels and restaurants are located.

2. Learn about the Laws

Support yourself with a road safety app. They are useful programs with digital maps and information about local regulations and traffic laws. Some even have translators. The great thing is that you can download them on a smartphone or tablet, so you always have help at hand.

3. Inspect the vehicle

Make sure the tires are in optimal condition and also bring a spare wheel. Check the oil level and schedule a visit to the garage in advance to have the engine and brakes checked. It is also important to pay attention to the lights and windshield wipers. For long journeys by car, make sure you have the following with you:

  • First aid kit
  • Have a box with tools to change tires.
  • Warning triangle.
  • A fire extinguisher.
  • A reflective vest.
  • A flashlight.
  • A hydraulic jack.
  • Everything you need to ride with confidence.

4. Get a second driver

Stack of old-fashioned suitcases

Long journeys can be made on your own, but it’s best to have a replacement for behind the wheel when you need one. Taking turns will allow you both to take turns resting. This way you can drive with attention when it is your turn.

5. Know the tips to prepare for your departure and inform others

Be careful with this! To prevent theft and burglary, it is better not to tell everyone that you are going on a trip. It is enough to notify someone in your area who can look after your house, your pet and pick up the mail.

Inform them about your departure and, before you leave, if there are any specific instructions. Discuss them in advance with the person who looks after your house so that you are not distracted by phone calls on the road and on vacation.

6. Pack all the important stuff

There are more exceptions with luggage, but it is not good to take up too much space in the vehicle. Your luggage must not obstruct the driver’s view. What you should not forget include:

  • medicines.
  • food.
  • hygienic items.
  • clothing suitable for the weather.

7. Don’t leave without resting first

Extensive and demanding car journeys should never be taken without adequate rest. This advice applies to both the driver and the person accompanying you as a co-driver during the journey.

Sleep at least 8 hours the night before so that there is no physical exhaustion and you can react quickly in the event of an unforeseen event. If you are traveling in a group, those accompanying you in the car are tasked with helping to minimize stress.

8. Stop at certain points

The journey is much more enjoyable if you approach it in parts. A publication of the European Automobile Commission (Spanish link) states that fatigue from driving so many hours in a row can cause you, among other things:

  • makes you sleepy.
  • your perception of the environment changes.
  • your psychomotor coordination deteriorates.
  • the behavior changes.
  • affect the responsiveness, which could lead to an accident.

9. Bring your phone and charger

Do not use your mobile phone while on the road. Only choose this in emergencies, for example to communicate with an emergency service or tow truck. When you call or send a message, park the car in a safe place.

Tips for the long-distance rider

Child is resting for a while

As repetitive as it may seem, the importance of rest is essential for the driver . Take the opportunity to stretch your legs and relax your muscles every 2 hours. In addition, you should drink a lot of water, both before you start your trip and during your trip. Other suggestions include:

  • Make sure you bring your car papers, insurance policy, driver’s license, passport and the like.
  • Consider alternative routes, in case you need them.
  • If possible, avoid traveling at night or when it is very hot.
  • Do not drink alcohol, because that is of course a danger to yourself and others on the road.
  • If you are taking any medication, even if it is prescription, you should be aware of any side effects.
  • Wear light clothing and comfortable shoes, so no high heels or stiff soles, as they can make braking difficult quickly.
  • Try not to eat large meals, otherwise you may experience indigestion and a feeling of sluggishness.
  • Distribute the luggage so that it does not interfere with the vehicle’s dynamic behaviour. Also, do not leave packages loose in the car, these can cause damage in the event of an accident.

The key to long journeys is foresight

Thrills and adventure are part of everything you experience during long journeys by car. Don’t let them be ruined by lack of foresight. Set aside time to map out a tentative route and alternatives.

Once the idea is in your head, keep in mind that safety is the most important factor for a peaceful vacation. Now that you know the tips to reach your destination without any problems, all you have to do is pack your bags and make the experience unforgettable!

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