Recognize And Distance Yourself From Toxic Friendships

While this may seem a bit selfish, it’s important to always think about yourself first and distance yourself from toxic friendships that throw you off emotionally and disrupt your well-being.
Recognize and distance yourself from toxic friendships

Humans are social creatures by nature. This also explains why friendships are so important to us. That’s why it’s so important not to waste time on toxic friendships.

Whether you’re having fun times together, sharing secrets, or just enjoying each other’s company, having friends can help you find an emotional balance.

With some people who come into your life, you end up building only toxic friendships that change your environment and your emotions.  These people create a kind of chaos that you often cannot explain at first.

Friendships are very influential and toxic friendships are somehow always a waste of energy. They limit the things you want to do and generate negative feelings like stress, depression and anxiety.

Learn how to recognize if someone is negatively impacting your life and try to distance yourself from this person to maintain your emotional balance. This article is intended to help you with this.

1. The Passive-Aggressive Toxic Friendships

Toxic friendships

These kind of people are never satisfied. They are unable to say things straight to your face, but instead keep going round and round about what they think, making circumstantial remarks or assumptions. 

They often remain silent and then behave in a strange way so that other people have to waste their time trying to figure out what is going on.

Try to be very careful with these types of people. They are often easily irritated, even if they don’t always show it. Sometimes their bad mood keeps piling up and they can end up being very aggressive, which can end very badly.

2. The Competitive Toxic Friendships

Whatever you do, they always want to be better than you. If you tell them about a great job opportunity, they will have something even better to tell you. If you tell them you are sad, they will tell you that they were even sadder the day before or experienced a similar sadness.

These types of people are waiting for you to fall so that they can feel superior.

They are used to criticizing their friends behind their backs, especially those who are everything they are not themselves: people who are more confident than they are, who are full of life and love for other people.

3. The Dramatic Toxic Friendships

Crying woman

It’s one thing to support your friends when they’re going through a rough time, but it’s quite another to always support them through dramas that sometimes can’t be resolved.

These friends use other people as psychologists, but they almost never allow themselves to be helped. They always talk about their fears and insecurities, but are unable to take advice and can even become irritated by it.

They don’t care if their friend is going through a rough time at the same time; their pain is always worse and more important.

These types of people can sometimes be so intense that they leave the person they are pouring out on tired, worried, or stressed. What’s worse is that they have plenty of friends who give them wise advice, yet they are still able to find a ‘but’.

4. The Bitter Toxic Friendships

These people are always complaining, because nothing ever goes right in their lives. They are even able to see the negative side of things when things are going well. Their complaining is a habit, which makes them appear angry or real most of the time.

In general, these people don’t have that much confidence in themselves, they have low self-esteem and get angry when other people are happy.

5. The Manipulative Toxic Friendships

Be careful when you are too nice! Manipulative people usually make use of people who prefer to avoid confrontation or people who are quick to do someone a favor and hardly ever say ‘no’.

These people always want what you have, so they try to control you with anger or pity.

6. The Envious Toxic Friendships

Be especially careful with these kind of friends. After all, these friends never have anything good to say about others. They get angry when others are doing well, when others are doing well, or when others are suddenly very lucky.

They are never able to acknowledge the success of others and will try to spread gossip and disdainful thoughts about them.

These people are hugely hypocritical and can’t stand it when someone else is happy. They will try to spread their negativity everywhere.

Take a little distance!

Do you have toxic friendships? If so, you may need to try changing the way you deal with these friendships or distance yourself so that these friendships can no longer affect your life.

Something as simple as saying “NO” when necessary, setting boundaries, and cutting negative conversations off can help protect yourself from the negativity of these people.

If all this doesn’t seem to be working and these people just can’t seem to change, then you have no choice but to leave them behind and fill your time with people who bring good things into your life.

Don’t start a conversation with these people, don’t say you’re busy or make up an excuse, but say it clearly so that they understand that you don’t want them around you anymore.

As we always say… When you distance yourself from toxic people, even your health will improve. 

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