Quit Smoking With These Plants And Fruits

Quitting smoking is often quite a challenge. Fortunately, nature can sometimes lend you a hand.
Quit smoking with these plants and fruits

Quitting smoking is not easy. No one can do it in a day and it certainly won’t work if you don’t have enough willpower. We are all very well aware that such miracles do not exist and that there is no effective remedy yet that will make you never craving tobacco again and ensure that you do not develop withdrawal symptoms.

What we do know is that smoking is bad for you. Smoking is deadly. However, there are millions and millions of people who continue with this unhealthy habit that makes their lives hang by a thread, right up to the day when they don’t expect it and the first problem occurs, the first illness.

Plants and fruits that can help you

Today in our blog we want to talk about the best medicinal plants and fruits that can help you with the process of quitting smoking. However, always remember that the best ally to help you quit smoking is your own willpower.

1. Passionflower To Help Fight Withdrawal Symptoms


We have already mentioned the many benefits of passion flower. You already know that you can find it in many natural health food stores and that it is great for easing nervousness and fighting anxiety.

Passionflower is often said to be the best medicinal plant  to relieve withdrawal symptoms. It’s not guaranteed to help you quit smoking, but it will help if you’re trying to quit and experience anxiety, nervousness, moodiness, insomnia, and despair. It acts as a mediator, a good facilitator.

How can you use passion flower?

  • You can find passionflower in health food stores and it is available in capsules, pills, liquid and also in the form of tea for infusions.
  • The University of Maryland (USA) Medical Center tells us that to combat withdrawal symptoms in adults, take between 15 and 30 drops three times a day.
  • To make an infusion, you only need 20 grams of dried passionflower, which you boil in a cup of water (200 ml).

2. Licorice, a psychological ally to quit smoking


Licorice contains glycyrrhizinic acid, which is the main ingredient and also the most helpful in a smoking cessation attempt. This is also what gives licorice its unique strong taste, which can cure sore throats and even help protect the liver. Due to this stimulating natural protector, it is also possible to reduce the anxiety that arises when quitting smoking.

It is a psychological ally that can reduce the need to smoke. Furthermore, it is a good sweetener, a natural anti-inflammatory, a pain reliever and an ally to protect our stomach. However, it is not suitable for people with diabetes or high blood pressure.

How can you use licorice root?

The best way to reap the benefits of licorice in smoking cessation is to use it as an infusion. You can do the following for this:


  • 5 grams of a dry licorice root
  • 3 cups of water (600 ml)


It’s very easy.

  • The first thing to do is bring the water to a boil and add the 5 grams of dry licorice root.
  • It is best to have a copper pot used to, because this material helps to improve the licorice root key active properties.
  • Once it’s done, let it steep for ten minutes and then pour it into a glass jar.
  • You should then drink three cups a day, after each meal.
  • You can drink it hot, warm or even cold – whichever you prefer.

3. Ginger and Lemon Infusion to Fight the Addiction

Infusion with Ginger and Lemon

Ginger is a wonderful medicinal root, capable of reducing the urge to smoke. In addition, it is a natural relaxant, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic. It has the same qualities as licorice root to help end nicotine dependence.

Above all of this, you will probably find its sour and strong taste very interesting, so it is also very beneficial to mix it with some natural juices. The sensation will be even more intense and will act as a powerful, natural antioxidant. See below how to prepare it.


  • 60 grams grated ginger root
  • The juice of ½ lemon
  • 3 cups of water (600 ml)


  • You just need to bring the water to a boil and add a little ginger root .
  • Let it boil for at least twenty minutes, then remove it from the heat and let it steep for another ten minutes. The next step? Then add the juice of half a lemon.
  • You should then drink the first cup on an empty stomach and the other two cups after each meal. You must be feeling great.

4. Noni juice to fight the addiction


Do you know the fruit noni? It is also called Indian mulberry. It has a very pleasant taste and offers many health benefits.

A few examples?

  • Noni is ideal for treating inflammation and also helps reduce cough and pain associated with arthritis.
  • It can also help you to quit smoking.

We will explain how to take it.


  • ½ noni
  • A glass of water (200 ml)
  • One tablespoon of honey (20 grams)


  • You should drink this juice every morning, right after getting up.
  • In this way you will immediately fight the craving for the first cigarette in the morning.
  • You just have to put the noni fruit together with water in the blender and then blend it into a smooth juice.
  • Then you can sweeten it with a tablespoon of honey. You will love it.

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