Potato Peel Water For Stronger Hair

Potato peels can be a great way to nourish and strengthen your hair. However, the peels do tend to darken the hair slightly. Therefore, we do not recommend this product for people with blond hair.
Potato peel water for stronger hair

Today, the cosmetic industry offers hundreds of hair products. These must then meet the hair care needs of men and women around the world. Most of these products have made our lives a lot easier. As a result, they have become excellent friends to keep our hair healthy and beautiful. But did you know that you can also take care of your hair with potato peel water?

Harmful Chemicals

In some cases, however, these commercial products prove not to be nearly as effective as they promise. Quite the contrary. Some products damage the hair and contain chemicals that can cause disorders.

In this article we share a natural remedy that has helped many women over the years to keep their hair healthy and voluminous, namely potato peel water.

This remedy is a simple solution that gives your hair a natural shine and can ultimately strengthen the roots and reduce gray hairs.

Properties of potato peeling water


As with most fruits and vegetables, the skin of potatoes is the part that usually ends up in the trash. That is usually because people think it is of no use anyway.

The peels are usually not used during cooking. However, they do contain  a few important features that can be exploited in other ways. This then ensures that they are not wasted.

The composition of potato peelings

It is estimated that potato skins consist of almost 50% polysaccharides. This ingredient is a type of dietary fiber. In addition, these peels are an important source of potassium. This mineral is important for balancing electrolytes in the body.

The peels also contain small amounts:

  • Vitamin C
  • Thiamine
  • Riboflavin and
  • Water Soluble Niacin

These vitamins are great for taking care of the hair as they deeply nourish the hair and have an antioxidant effect that can prevent damage.

In addition, potato skin contains minerals such as:

  • Calcium
  • Manganese
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Different types of phenols and glycoalkaloids.

What benefits does potato peeling water provide for hair?

Nice hair

This ancient remedy from grandmother’s cupboard has been used for a very long time for its nourishing properties. Thanks to these properties, this is also a great remedy for beautiful hair.

It keeps the hair shiny and strong and regular use makes it ideal for counteracting the appearance of gray hair, which betrays your age even when you are young.

Reduce gray hair

While this product is obviously not as effective against gray hair as most chemical products, consistent application can help darken hair and reduce gray hair.

Since potato peel water tends to darken hair, we don’t recommend it for people who have blond or light brown hair.  It could affect their hair color.

How do you make potato peel water for your hair?


There is no specific recipe for bringing out the properties hidden in the peels so that you can use them for your hair. In general, you just need to boil the peels in enough water and then use this water as a remedy.


  • The skins of 5 potatoes
  • Water (as much as needed)


  • Place the peels in a pan of water and bring the water to a boil. Once it boils, reduce the heat and let the peels continue to boil for 30 minutes so that the water becomes highly concentrated.
  • After thirty minutes, remove the pan from the heat and let the mixture cool. Then pour it through the sieve into a glass jar.


  • Wash your hair as usual, but at the end use the potato peel water to rinse your hair.
  • When you use this remedy two or three times a week, you will soon see that your hair looks healthier.

Use this remedy for a few weeks to see for yourself how amazing it is. Although the results are not immediately noticeable, the difference will gradually become visible after a few days of consistent use.

The best thing about this product is that it does not cause side effects and you can easily use it in combination with other hair products.

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