Natural Syrup To Fight Flu

The ingredients in this natural syrup have analgesic, antibiotic and expectorant properties that can help to ease the symptoms of the flu. At the same time, the combination of vitamins can help make your body stronger.
Natural syrup to fight the flu

The flu, cold or cough are conditions that can affect your respiratory system in different seasons, especially during the winter months or in residential areas where there is a lot of air pollution.

These conditions can be very distressing to the person who suffers from them, as they can cause symptoms such as a stuffy nose, sore throat and difficulty breathing normally.

When your immune system is weakened and you are exposed to all kinds of viruses and bacteria, you have the highest chance of contracting these conditions . Fortunately, there are now literally dozens of ways to effectively treat these problems.

In this article, we share a natural and healthy way to control these symptoms. This ginger and lemon syrup has antiviral properties that boost your immune system.

Natural ginger and lemon syrup to fight the flu

This natural syrup is a great home remedy to treat respiratory problems, which has been used for centuries to provide relief in a variety of ways.

The syrup is made from ginger, lemon and honey. Ingredients that are all 100% natural and will therefore have no negative consequences for your health.

To understand why this combination is such an effective alternative, we’ll discuss the benefits each ingredient provides below.

Benefits of ginger

Ginger against the flu

Ginger root is a popular ingredient in alternative medicine, praised for properties such as:

  • anti-inflammatory
  • expectorant
  • analgesic

In addition to being a great option for treating inflammation, ginger has also been shown to be very helpful in combating lung or respiratory problems such as the flu, colds, and bronchitis , among others.

Ginger contains important nutrients  that strengthen the immune system,  such as:

  • potassium
  • niacin
  • phosphorus
  • vitamin C

In this way, viruses and bacteria that cause disease can be counteracted.

Benefits of lemon

Lemon for colds and flu

One of the main benefits of lemon is its significant vitamin C content. Vitamin C is also essential for a strong immune system and to limit the growth of disease-causing pathogens.

Lemons are also:

  • antibacterial
  • antiseptic
  • anti-inflammatory

As a result  , they can help clear your airways when they’re clogged with mucus or other buildup.

Benefits of honey

Honey in a syrup against flu

Honey is one of the first foods to be considered a ‘superfood’, thanks to its high nutritional value and medicinal properties .

It contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that support your bodily functions and at the same time make your body more resistant to harmful external factors.

Honey has been used for generations as a basic ingredient for making syrup. This is because honey is naturally sweet and has a soft consistency. It can also help soothe a sore throat and dissolve mucus.

In addition, honey is a powerful natural antibiotic that can effectively combat viruses and bacteria that cause colds and flu.

How can you make this natural syrup at home?

Ginger with lemon and honey

You can use this syrup as an adjunct to your flu and cold treatment, but you can also take the syrup daily as a precaution.

By combining these three ingredients, you get a powerful medicine against inflammation and irritation, which also provides your body with energy at the same time.


  • 2 lemons
  • 1 piece ginger root
  • 500 grams of pure organic honey


  • Wash the lemons well and cut them into slices.
  • Rinse the ginger and grate it or slice it very thinly.
  • Then put both ingredients in a clean glass jar.
  • Then pour the honey over it.
  • Let the ingredients stand together for twenty-four hours  so that they are well mixed together.
  • You can store this mixture in the refrigerator for between one and two months.

How do you take this syrup?

  • Adults can take up to two tablespoons of this syrup per day.
  • Children should only  take a maximum of two teaspoons per day.
  • In either case, it is best to mix the syrup with a little water to make it easier to consume.

The best time to take this syrup is early in the morning on an empty stomach, but you can also take it at the first signs of flu.

Try making this remedy for your whole family, especially in the fall and winter.

The ingredients are readily available and provide an affordable way to protect your body from the attacks of microorganisms.

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