Natural Remedies For Hoarseness Treatment

The change of voice while speaking that can sometimes occur is a medical condition known as dysphonia. It is also known as voice hoarseness or aphonia.
Natural Remedies For Hoarseness Treatment

In most cases, it is the people who use their voice excessively that are most likely to experience hoarseness. Research is available indicating that people in certain occupations, such as teachers, are most affected by this. However, anyone can get this condition. So knowing natural remedies for the treatment of hoarseness is a must.


Sometimes hoarseness can occur for various reasons. These causes can be organic or functional.

Among the organic causes we can find:

  • Nodule
  • polyps
  • Strep throat, including cases due to gastric reflux

The functional cases are the following:

  • Excessive or incorrect use of the voice
  • muscle tension

While hoarseness is not a mental illness, stress and anxiety have a significant effect on the condition.

There are even studies showing that everyday events have a major impact on functional hoarseness.

Hoarseness Treatments

Woman touches sore throat with hand

The medical treatment of this condition depends on the cause:

  • In general , doctors recommend voice rest and speech therapy.
  • In some cases, treatment may include surgery.

We would like to mention that in the case of organic hoarseness, a diagnosis and specialized treatment are needed before a cure is attempted.

Natural Alternatives for Hoarseness Treatment

As with any treatment, it is critical to give our vocal cords a well-deserved rest and avoid their overuse. It is also important to drink plenty of fluids.


Blonde woman sniffs her tea with her eyes closed

Treating hoarseness by drinking tea is both effective and delicious. Remember to buy your herbs in bulk to ensure they are beneficial and free of additives.

To reap the benefits of this treatment , take two cups of your choice of tea every day for a month. Then rest for two weeks and then repeat the dose.


  • 1 teaspoon of any herb of your choice (10 g)
  • 1 cup boiled water (250 ml)
  • Honey (to taste)


  • First, add the herb to a teapot of boiling water.
  • Then let it steep for 7 minutes.
  • Then you strain it and serve it in a cup.
  • Then sweeten it with honey and enjoy.

Among the most effective teas for the treatment of hoarseness, the following types are well suited:

  • Ginger: This is a wonderful remedy for its anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it also helps to detoxify the body. Not only is this tea ideal for treating hoarseness, but it is also great for any other respiratory illness.
  • Chamomile: In addition to its soothing and disinfecting properties, chamomile also stimulates digestive properties.
  • Mallow and Eucalyptus: The substance in mallow reduces irritation, while eucalyptus clears the airways.


The effectiveness of gargling for the treatment of hoarseness depends on being very careful not to harm the throat while gargling. Gargling should therefore be done gently and calmly and last two minutes.

Use this treatment three times a day.

The best options of gargling for the treatment of hoarseness are the following:

  • Baking soda, salt and honey: Mix 1 tablespoon of each ingredient in a glass of warm water.
  • Lemon: use the freshly squeezed juice of two lemons.
  • Sage and plantain: Prepare a tea with these herbs and use it to gargle.


Glass with pineapple juice

Another great option for treating hoarseness is drinking fresh juices regularly. Try to drink 2 glasses in the morning every day. Drinking juice is also helpful for getting more fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Remember that the juice must be natural and freshly made. That way we can avoid added sugars and maximize their healing properties.

The most recommended juices for hoarseness are:

  • Pineapple: Helps revitalize the tissues in our vocal cords.
  • Carrot: It is also useful for treating any kind of respiratory disease.
  • Cabbage: treats throat irritation. In addition, along with the carrot juice, it helps to reduce agitation that can aggravate hoarseness.

relaxation exercises

Regardless of the treatment you choose, relaxation exercises are a helpful addition. You should do them every day for five minutes:

  • Raise your head and lower your head again.
  • Move your head back and forth.
  • Push your shoulders back and forward.
  • Move your arms in a circular motion.

breathing techniques

Woman doing breathing exercise on the beach

To strengthen this area, we can try this breathing technique.

  • First, inhale for ten seconds.
  • Then hold your breath for another ten seconds.
  • Then exhale slowly for another ten seconds.

You should be relaxed when doing this exercise. Repeat this at least five times in a row.

Finally, blowing bubbles is also a useful and fun way to strengthen your throat.

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