Medicinal Herbs For Joint Pain

Herbs have been used for centuries to relieve various types of pain and discomfort. We all know ginger and turmeric, but there are even more spices that we can put to good use when we need relief.
Medicinal herbs for joint pain

Joint pain is one of the most common ailments among people. It limits your mobility and reduces your quality of life. An inexpensive and easy way to relieve and treat joint pain is by taking medicinal herbs.

The benefits of medicinal herbs against joint pain

Herbs for knee pain

Can medicinal herbs really be helpful if you suffer from joint pain? Yes, they can. However, many people have become accustomed to taking anti-inflammatory pills or medication. While these agents are also helpful, they can damage the liver in the long run.

It is therefore a good idea to use medicinal plants as an adjunct to medical treatment.

Sometimes joint pain precedes rheumatoid arthritis. Therefore, have yourself checked regularly by a doctor. Now let’s see how medicinal herbs can help you:

  • The herbs can help cleanse your body of metabolic wastes and toxins.
  • They can improve your circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system. This means fewer toxins in the body that can cause inflammation and pain.
  • Many plants can serve as a natural antibiotic.
  • They have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • They can also have a  relaxing and calming effect  and relieve your muscles of tension, putting less pressure on your joints.

Medicinal plants for joint pain

1. Turmeric

Turmeric for joint pain

Make sure you always have turmeric on hand. The herb is not only a great seasoning, but can also serve very well as medicine. Turmeric can be an incredibly effective means of reducing inflammation in your body.

The herb also has a calming effect and can be good for everything that has to do with the muscles, bones and joints. Turmeric is anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic and an antioxidant.

2. Burdock Root

One of the best ways to treat and combat joint pain is by increasing your intake of essential fatty acids. In addition to walnuts, blue fish, mackerel or salmon, burdock root should therefore definitely be part of your diet.

This burdock root is a potent anti-inflammatory. You can find dried burdock root in health food stores. Simply put a tablespoon in a glass of boiled water.

Let it sit for five minutes and drink the drink little by little. It works great!

3. Ginger

Ginger tea for joint pain

We really can’t stop talking about the good properties of ginger and this plant also deserves its place in this list. Ginger has great anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic properties.

For example, the ginger plant can inhibit the inflammatory enzyme COX-2 and the tumor necrosis factor TNF-alpha, so that inflammatory eicosanoids such as PGE2 can be reduced. There are also many studies indicating that ginger may be effective in rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis.

It can reduce pain, inflammation and swelling without side effects. Will you let this remedy pass you by?

4. Flaxseed Infusion

Flaxseed for joint pain

Flaxseed is a natural source of omega 3 of plant origin. Consuming flaxseed can therefore boost your immunity and reduce the amount of toxins in your body that are able to build up in your joints and cause pain.

Like the infusions above, an infusion of flaxseed can also reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Even better than an infusion, however, is to consume flaxseed by mixing the seed into salads or other dishes.

When linseed is heated, it loses a lot of its omega-3 and we want to get as much of that as possible. It is best to choose finely ground linseed. Two tablespoons a day will be enough.

You will see how much better you will feel yourself.

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