Love Is Not The Same As Property

If you understand that love doesn’t mean owning the other person, then you can enjoy a much more fulfilling relationship without fear or submission.
Love is not the same as property

When you fall in love, you feel like that person is a big part of your life and that you never want to leave them. Sometimes you can hardly do without this feeling. You must therefore learn that love is not the same as property or possession, however difficult it may be.

Sometimes you love someone so much that you feel like you own their life and want to control their actions. You can fall into the trap of trying to change his way of thinking or his personality so that you feel more comfortable and stable in the relationship.

First you need to judge whether your love is toxic or healthy. For example, if it hurts you a lot, then you have to start accepting that your relationship should probably end.

The break up

Husband and wife discuss breaking up

Everyone knows that this phase of a relationship is very painful. During that time you go through a lot of grief, which is important to acknowledge. It may seem impossible, but it’s a good idea to end your relationship in the kindest way possible. This will help you avoid hurting the other person even more.

It can be hard to accept that you have to separate yourself from someone you really love. However, you must understand that you do not own them and love is not the same as ownership.

A loving relationship should be a mutual decision made by both people. You can’t own someone if they don’t want to. If you really love someone, then you should let them go when it’s time.

Emotions you experience when you let go of someone you love

It is very painful to let go of someone you love. You will feel a variety of intense emotions that you have to overcome. For many it is difficult to understand why you would leave someone if it was true love.

Some of these emotions can cause very unpleasant symptoms, such as insomnia and an almost physical pain from the heart. You may also experience the following:

  • Headache
  • Lack of appetite
  • Bad mood
  • severe depression

The best decision because love is not the same as property

People arguing

A breakup is always scary, because you have to go through the whole recovery process, and this means that you are going to suffer. If you think about it, though, it’s better to go through all that rather than live in misery.

Now begin to recognize that what happened happened. No matter how much you love the other, you cannot own him. You must understand that it is much better to see the one you love happy than to live in pain and sorrow.

When you accept this, it is much easier to make the right decision and take on this challenge. Over time you will feel better. It will be comforting to see that the one you loved is happy, even if they are no longer a part of your life.

Starting a new relationship

Only the beautiful memories remain, along with what you have learned: your experiences. In addition, there is something very valuable to remember: this person has helped you to know true love. You must learn that love, even if it stays in your heart forever, cannot always exist in the real world.

When you get into a new relationship, you always start with positive thoughts and the reminder that you don’t own the other person. Life is a process and a relationship is one of many things that happen during life.

It’s true that a breakup is the last thing on your mind when you start a relationship. Still , it’s best to always be prepared for both the good and the bad that may come.

Life is a series of stages and you should enjoy every moment of it, with no regrets about what is behind you. Other experiences will come and these will probably be better.

A temporary divorce or forever?

Love is not the same as property

Life can surprise and reunite two people who really love each other. It may take years for this to happen. Those who believe in fate will assure you that if one is destined to be with another, their paths will always bring them back together.

The important thing is to analyze and learn from your mistakes, and see them as strengths to restart your relationship. If you work on this, you will regain the passion that was lost during your first breakup.

However, if you don’t continue your relationship, then you should be grateful to the other person for being the reason you could experience such great love. However, always remember: love is not the same as property.

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