Long-lasting Satiety With These 6 Tricks

Want to get rid of those food cravings? Do you want to eat less and still feel full? Then it’s a good idea to drink more water than you usually do. Not only does it make you feel full but it also helps you get rid of toxins.
A long-lasting feeling of satiety with these 6 tricks

Do you have a hard time feeling full ? A constant feeling of hunger is one of the biggest obstacles to weight loss.

If you feel the strong need to eat continuously, it will cause you to eat more than the recommended number of calories per day.

The problem is that many people do not know how to reduce this urge to eat in a healthy way. In addition, they often choose to eat something that only takes away the feeling of hunger for that one moment.

As a result, they feel the urge to eat again a few minutes or several hours later. Then it will be necessary to eat more to control that urge.

However, many people do not know that there are some tricks to make you feel full for a longer period of time. And what’s even better about these methods is that you can do without high-calorie, low-nutrient foods.

These alternative means even have a number of positive effects on your body. They can be a great weight loss tool.

Interested in learning those tricks? Then read on!

6 tricks for a long-lasting feeling of satiety

1. Drink more water

drink more water

Water does not contain any calories. In addition, it has many positive effects on the body. Water is one of the best tools to get rid of the unsaturated desire for food.

It keeps the entire body hydrated. At the same time, it is also a part of all important bodily functions, such as the process of detoxifying the blood.

The recommended amount is six to eight glasses of water per day. This is not only necessary to prevent your urge to eat. It also supports digestion, cellular oxygenation and cognitive health.

2. Eat foods that are full of water

Not a big fan of drinking water? Then there are other options. Eat more fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of this important liquid. With these foods you take in fewer calories. But that is not everything. They also contain important nutrients, which are good for your health as well as for your weight.

Add them to your diet. It will help you feel full for longer. Thanks to their properties, they will also control the build-up of moisture and toxins.

In the following list, we give you some notable ones of those foods:

  • Grapefruit
  • Pineapple
  • Cucumber
  • Watermelon
  • Melon
  • carrots
  • Celery

3. Eat Protein Foods

Eat protein-rich foods

To lose weight fast, many people make the same mistake. They remove protein from their diet.

However, protein is an essential nutrient. It helps to repair and build the muscles. This element also helps to build the body tissues and major structures in your body.

In addition, proteins have been shown to be one of the most important sources of energy. If you eat protein-rich foods, it will take longer for your body to feel hungry again. So you keep a feeling of satiety for longer.

These are some healthy sources of protein:

  • nuts
  • legumes
  • Fish
  • chicken
  • Turkey
  • Seeds
  • Eggs
  • Dairy products

4. Eat More Fiber

Foods high in fiber are very helpful for digestion and the cardiovascular system. This promotes bowel movements. Fiber also reduces inflammation and constipation.

In addition, they decrease the absorption of cholesterol and stimulate the purification of the blood. This will reduce the number of complications that can increase the risk of heart disease.

This is also a group of nutrients that make you feel full and are good for your body weight. That’s because it stimulates the digestion of fats and toxins.

These are some foods that are high in fiber:

  • Whole grains
  • green vegetables
  • nuts
  • potatoes
  • Fruit
  • legumes
  • Seeds

5. Add chia seeds to your diet

Add chia seeds to your diet

Many people consider chia seeds a ‘superfood’. These seeds are a good addition to your diet, as they control your urge to eat and curb your hunger pangs.

Although they are very small, this food contains many important fatty acids, antioxidants and proteins. Eat them in moderate amounts. They will help keep you feeling full for a longer period of time.

But best of all, they have a great taste. So you can combine them with other ingredients. That way you can easily add it to your diet.

Add chia seeds to:

  • Smoothies and juices
  • salads
  • desserts
  • Yogurt
  • Ice
  • soup

6. Make Herbal Tea

Herbal teas contain no sugar or added chemicals.  It is also caffeine free. In addition, it is full of ingredients that are good for the body.

You can make herbal tea from many plants. Not only do they control your hunger pangs, but they also relax the nervous system, reduce anxiety, and balance digestive health.

You can drink herbal tea in the morning, before or during breakfast. But you can also enjoy a herbal tea with your afternoon snack. Another possibility is that you drink this tea when you feel an unsaturated urge for food.

Do you feel the urge to eat more than you should? If you can’t manage not to eat between meals, use all the tips in this article to feel full. Find out how they can be a great support to fight that urge to eat.

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