Life Is Our Guide: Learn To Open Your Eyes

Life always leads us in the direction that is best for us. But to see this we have to pay close attention.
Life is our guide: learn to open your eyes

We don’t always see it, but life is our guide, whatever life path we choose. Unfortunately, all too often we miss the signals of life. As a result, we run into the same pitfalls over and over again.

Even when others clearly show us the right way, we often don’t listen. As the main character in our own story, it turns out to be  difficult for us to determine what to do. However, if it concerns a friend or family member in the same situation, we often know exactly what that person should do.

It is therefore important that we learn to open our eyes. Remember: life is our guide and always shows us the right way. In order to see this, however, we must pay close attention.

Blind and lost track

You won't get very far with your eyes closed

Imagine: someone you know has relationship problems. You often know exactly what you would do in their shoes. For example, if it is about adultery, we would leave the partner involved.

When it comes to our own relationship, it suddenly feels different. Before opening our eyes, we will first go through several stages:

  • Denial. We deny reality and get angry with those who try to open our eyes.
  • Fear of change. We are afraid to take the plunge. Afraid of breaking up and losing the person we love. Afraid we won’t be able to find another one and will be left alone.
  • sadness. We become sad, complain, and hope the situation will change. If you stay in this phase for too long, a severe depression can result.

Ultimately, our only option is to accept the situation and break up. Even if it is not our own choice. Sometimes it is someone else who decides for us.

When this happens, it seems like we can’t make decisions anymore. It almost seems as if something has happened that has paralyzed us.

Life is our guide: signals life sends us

Life sends you signals

Life is our guide and uses signals that are sometimes very clear. For example, if you fall for the same personality over and over, isn’t that a clear sign that something needs to change?

The big problem is that we don’t dare to look in the mirror. Instead, we blame the other person for being so upset.

It seems as if we don’t dare to take responsibility for what happens. In doing so, we pretend to be the victim and wait for things to change or improve on their own.

What we don’t realize is that the signals life gives us are telling us to choose as soon as possible. Prolonging a situation that makes us unhappy or paralyzed can have serious consequences in the long run.

Doing nothing is not an option

Closing your eyes and doing nothing is not an option

Doing nothing is not an option, because the only person who suffers from this is us. The signals that life sends us can be meant to prevent prolonged sadness, which can lead to depression.

Keeping hope, trying again and again and always giving new opportunities.. They are all ways in which we maintain an unhealthy situation.

Why do we behave like this? Because we are afraid of:

  • to stay alone
  • that we won’t find a new job
  • that we will never have children

We are afraid of a lot of things that we tell ourselves.

What’s the point of being afraid of this? It’s not like fear is of much use. This emotion:

  • paralyzes us
  • blocks us
  • keeps us from making decisions

It is therefore important to pay attention to what people around us are saying. Enlisting professional help is also an option. By looking at it from different perspectives, we see the options we have and how our fears obscure those options.

So remember: life is our guide. Life isn’t always against us. It often shows us clearly what to do, even when it comes to a bitter choice.

What matters is that we make choices. Yes, life is our guide, but what will happen depends on our own decisions.

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