Kindness Takes No Time. Is That Right?

Kindness is not seeking recognition. Good people act on their own principles so that they can feel better about themselves and more comfortable around others, not to receive compliments.
Kindness takes no time.  Is that right?

Kindness is something you choose to express yourself. It is easy to say that goodness and generosity are qualities that come straight from the heart.

In reality, however, kindness has a lot to do with how you handle difficult or negative situations.

For example, everyone has experienced deprivation or fearful times in their lives when it would have been easier to behave selfishly, maliciously, or even proudly.

Nevertheless, most of us in these times voluntarily chose to be kind to ourselves.

Being a good person doesn’t mean that you have to be innocent or that you allow others to manipulate you when they feel like it.

A magnanimous mind is a mind that remains true to its values. Instead of every negative act, you choose to be kind.

This personality type has certain peculiar nuances that are worth going into in more detail. We invite you to join us here today.

Kindness always makes you doubt your own actions

Rick Hanson is a well-known neuropsychologist at the University of Berkeley (California) who has written some fascinating books, such as Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love and Wisdom .

Rich Hanson says  that magnanimous people tend to constantly doubt their actions. He bases this on research and experiences.

Hanson also says that friendly people:

  • often afraid that they will not be properly understood. Also concerned about whether they were helpful at all and whether their words and actions will ultimately have a positive impact.
  • are sometimes obsessed with the mistakes they have made with others in the past.
  • doubt many of the things they do because they set high standards for themselves. This can sometimes cause pain.

According to Dr. Hanson, others often view magnanimous people as true role models. And that while the most magnanimous among us usually think that they could have done ‘even more’.

That is why it is important to take some time to think about this.

kindness nice view

Try to stay calm in moments of anger

Good people also get angry sometimes. They too are capable of feeling rage.

This is because we are all only human and can feel the consequences of unjust and selfish acts.

  • Try to stay calm if you feel anger or rage rising.
  • Good-hearted people often tend to consider pros and cons of situations. Only then do they take action. They strive for a solution that is good for everyone, never for contempt or aggression.
  • Good people believe in justice.  But not in the sense of punishment. They believe in a democratic and constructive way. Therefore, in moments of anger, they always try to remain calm and act in a way that is beneficial to everyone.

Kindness is not what you think it is: it is a way to find harmony in life

The central axes of kindness are respect, reciprocity and the promotion of the common good.

Kind people strive for balance and inner peace by trying to unite the values ​​they hold.

Being randomly friendly to the people around you isn’t always easy; sometimes it’s hard to see the good in other people.

Nevertheless, it is important to always choose to stay on the positive side and be consistent with yourself. That is the way to find both inner and outer harmony.

Being good requires you to recognize that you are doing something right

Let’s go back to Dr. Hanson’s idea that we put forward at the beginning of this article: good people often don’t see themselves as good, because they question almost everything they do and sometimes get caught up in mistakes they make. have made in the past.

kindness family

Therefore, it is worth taking a moment to consider the following simple ideas:

You have strict principles and values ​​that govern all your actions. Every time you do something nice for someone else, try taking a moment to think about what you’ve done.

  • For example, one of your friends is having problems with his partner at home. He/she says he/she would like to spend a few days with you to think, relax and make certain choices.
  • After these few days, he/she will thank you for your support and tell you how important you are to him/her in his/her life. You symbolize a pillar of strength and he/she would not know what he/she would have done without this pillar.

Think about this and enjoy the bond you have with your friend. In the end, this is all that really matters: closer ties with your friends and loved ones and always showing your best side to promote good in general.

Being kind to the people around you costs nothing, but it is worth a lot.

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