Interesting Facts About The Human Body

Why is it impossible to move the ring finger without moving another finger? The ring finger shares a muscle with the middle finger, which prevents it from moving independently.
Interesting facts about the human body

The human body is truly admirable. Man is a being who has many good and bad qualities, but is undoubtedly capable of great things.

Below are ten facts about the human body that will surely surprise you!

Discover these 10 facts about the human body

1. Are you missing a tendon?

This may surprise you, but about 15% of people are missing a tendon in the flexor carpi radialis muscle, a muscle also known as the radial hand flexor.

If you want to know if you’re one of these people, there’s a simple way to find out: touch your little finger with your thumb and then try bending your wrist back.

In 85% of people you see two tendons, but in the other 15% only one becomes visible. How many tendons do you see?

2. What is Vasovagal Syncope?

Vasovagal syncope is a strange but somewhat problematic case in humans.

Some people faint after urinating. This occurs when the vagus nerve is stimulated by urination and the blood pressure sometimes drops spontaneously. This is certainly no laughing matter.

3. Did you know that your reproductive organs and kidneys are connected?


These organs are closely linked. For example, when a man gets a blow to his testicles, he feels pain in his kidneys. This is because these organs develop together until they both reach their final stage.

4. Which fingers can you move separately?

Time for a little test.

Place your hand, palm down, on a flat surface and try to lift the ring finger. You should be able to lift all fingers except the ring finger.

Some people may also be able to lift the ring finger, but generally movement of this finger is restricted.

The index finger and little finger have their own muscles, but the ring finger and middle finger share one muscle. Because of this, you can’t keep one of the two stretched while you bend the other. 

5. Did you know that one kidney is higher than the other?

Another interesting fact: the left kidney in the human body is slightly higher than the right kidney. Why is this so? This is because the liver puts pressure on the right kidney.

6. What do you know about your blood sugar?

Red blood cells

If the amount of sugar in your blood is equal to one tablespoon of dissolved sugar, you could survive two days without eating and experience no serious problems.

After these two days, the body begins to suffer from a metabolic process called ketosis. This happens when the liver begins to break down glycogen to make up for the lack of sugar in the blood.

This is a serious case. For this reason, diets that are high in protein and free from sugars are not recommended.

7. Did you know you have fewer bones than a baby?

Yes, it’s really true! You are born with about 300 bones in your body. However, as you grow, a number of bones fuse together until only 206 bones can be designated in an adult’s body.

8. Why can’t you breathe and swallow at the same time?

Woman on the Beach

Have you ever tried this? It’s impossible.

This is a strange consequence of human evolution, where the palate has developed further back to cover the pharynx and make speech more possible.

As a result, there is a greater chance of suffocation and that is why humans have an epiglottis, which serves to ensure that food cannot slip into the airways. All this makes it impossible to breathe and swallow at the same time.

9. How many antibodies does your body make on average per day?

Three grams. This is very important for health and also to protect the body from those tiny harmful microorganisms.

10. How many atoms does the human body consist of?

Have you ever asked yourself this question? Maybe you didn’t lose any sleep over it, but the question will probably have crossed your mind.

Let’s give you a quick example: to find out how many atoms a human body of 70 kilograms consists of, you have to write the number 7 and put 27 zeros after it.

Hard to imagine? It’s amazing, but certainly true!

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