Important! Oral Cancer Symptoms You Should Be Able To Recognize

Important!  Oral cancer symptoms you should be able to recognize

Oral cancer is not only associated with tobacco. This disease occurs around the tongue, mouth, palate and pharynx. In addition, there is also a connection with sunlight and the human papilloma virus (HPV). We can say that this type of cancer is uncommon and that it mainly occurs in people over the age of 50.

As a result, people with the disease also have a longer life expectancy. In general, the disease is more common in men than in women.

It is important that the symptoms are identified quickly, especially as they are easily confused with herpes, canker sores or mild oral infections that we have suffered from before.

The problem is more complex in non-smokers. When we talk about oral cancer, we often automatically make the link with smokers. “If I don’t smoke, I have no risk of getting this type of cancer.” However, smoker or not, everyone is at risk of developing this type of cancer.

That is why it is so important that we have the right information so that we can diagnose the symptoms as quickly as possible.

Symptoms of Oral Cancer

In most cases, oral cancer develops in the carcinomas. 

It is normal for people with lower immune systems and those who often suffer from oral infections, blisters in the mouth or canker sores to not immediately recognize the symptoms of this disease.

A thorough examination of the tongue and palate can be diagnosed by your doctor .  Afterwards, a biopsy can confirm whether there is cancer or not.

Now let’s take a closer look at the most common symptoms.

Physical changes in the mouth

Blister in the mouth
  • The first symptoms of oral cancer are small blisters that do not heal.
  • It is also typical for a red or white color to appear on the tongue, gums, or lips.
  • Be aware of any unusual changes that don’t get better after a few days and discuss this with your doctor.

Pain that gets worse

Another important characteristic of oral cancer is a painful sensation when chewing or swallowing. People with dentures will not immediately notice that their dentures are hindering, causing them to suffer from bleeding and pain.

  • Talking is painful.
  • Moving the tongue or even stroking the jaw hurts.
  • The pain may extend to the ears.

The feeling that you have a ‘knot’ in your throat

  • Difficulty swallowing, frequent inflammation of the tonsils and coughing up blood are all symptoms that we cannot simply ignore.
  • Sometimes these symptoms don’t mean anything is wrong at all.  A tumor in the pharynx can also be benign.
  • The most important thing is that a quick diagnosis can be made and that we are alert to changes.

Unexplained Weight Loss

Weight loss is associated with oral cancer

Weight loss is often associated with cancer. In the case of oral cancer, it is quite normal that you have less appetite and cannot chew normally. The immune system is weakened and that causes weight loss.

Can you prevent oral cancer?

As we often repeat on this site: there is no disease that can be completely prevented. But we can keep as many risk factors under control as possible.

This type of cancer is associated with:

  • Tobacco
  • Alcohol
  • Human Papillomavirus (HPV). The type associated with throat cancer (including oral cancer) is HPV16.
  • Ultraviolet light. Lip cancer, for example, is much more common in people who work outdoors and come into more contact with sunlight.
  • Poor dietary habits and a weak immune system.
  • Genetic abnormalities, such as Fanconi .’s anemia
Contact your doctor

Since we know a lot of factors, it is a good idea to adjust our lifestyle here as much as possible. Quitting smoking is never a bad idea. Eat a healthy and varied diet and protect the skin and lips from the sun.

Finally, we want to say that you don’t have to worry right away. Don’t be afraid to see a doctor so he can perform some simple tests.

We recommend that you exercise caution and always take care of your health.

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