How To Treat Ear Infections

Everyone has had an ear infection at some point in their life. There are a number of causes for this common condition, such as water entering the ear in the (swimming) pool, foreign bodies or insects in the ear canal, a tooth infection that spreads to the ear, etc.
How to treat ear infections

In the following article, we provide advice on how to treat these painful ear infections at home.

What you need to know about problems and infections of the ears

Ear infections are more serious if they are internal and less serious if they are external. Without proper treatment, an ear infection can lead to hearing loss (complete or partial), dizziness, and problems with hearing and balance activity.

  • Otitis externa, or an outer ear infection,  is characterized by fluid, pain, redness, and temporary hearing loss. It is generally caused by bacteria and to a lesser extent by fungi and viruses.
  • Otitis media, or a middle ear infection,  is common among children. Symptoms include fever, pain, irritation, partial hearing loss and loss of appetite. It happens when the space in the center of the ear fills up with fluid and mucus. Some people are more prone to these types of ear infections and the condition can become chronic.
  • Otitis interna, or an inner ear infection can cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and loss of balance. This happens when the inner part of the ear becomes inflamed. It’s not very common, but the symptoms are intense.
Cleaning the ear

Popular Ear Infection Treatments

Heat and steam techniques

  • Fill a hot water bottle (the pharmacist’s insulated variety) with warm water, cover it with a towel or cloth, and press it against the affected ear. The heat acts as pain relief. The heat also stimulates circulation in the area to help fight the infection.
  • Heat half a tablespoon of olive oil and let it absorb with a cotton ball. Place the cotton wool in the entrance of the ear and let it sit for an hour.
  • Heat two handfuls of rice and wrap them in a cloth or towel. Place this on a pillow and lie with the affected ear on the pillow.
  • Heat a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil with a crushed clove of garlic. Dab a cotton ball in the heated mixture and place it in the entrance of the affected ear.
  • Crush a handful of basil leaves with a handful of plantain, heat through and use as a spread on the ear. Be careful not to apply it too hot.
  • Heat a potato in a microwave on low. Wrap it in a towel or cloth and hold it over your ear.
  • Add a handful of salt to half a cup of boiling water. Soak a cloth in the water and press it against the ear.
  • Boil two tablespoons of absinthe with a liter of water for 10 minutes. As the liquid cools, allow the steam to come into contact with the affected ear.
cotton swab

Ear drops

  • In a clean, dry glass bottle, add seven drops of olive oil to the contents of one capsule of vitamin E. Add two crushed garlic cloves and mix well. Close the bottle and heat it in a water bath for one minute. Once fully heated, filter the liquid and put a few drops in the ear. Not recommended in cases where the eardrum is perforated or pus is coming out of the ear.
  • Heat two tablespoons of almond oil. Allow to cool to room temperature, instill two drops in the ear canal and cover with cotton wool.
  • Boil a handful of oregano leaves and half a cup of water for three minutes. Remove from heat source and let it cool. Filter and pour into a dropper. Put three drops in the affected ear (as long as the eardrum is not perforated).
  • Drop three or four drops of aloe vera into the ear canal and tilt your head to the other side for a few minutes. This treatment should not be used if the eardrum is perforated.
  • Crush a handful of Swiss chard and extract the juice. Use a dropper to put about three or four drops in the ear.

Alternative Techniques

  • Cut and crush an onion. Wrap it and use as a compress on the ear.
  • Wash three large apricots and cut them into pieces. Make a paste of it and apply it to the affected ear.
  • Add two tablespoons of rue to a cup of boiling water. Cover and let cool. Soak a cotton ball in the liquid and place it in the ear.
  • Squeeze a lemon and soak a cotton ball in the liquid. At bedtime, place it in the ear for ten minutes. This treatment is good for pain caused by earwax build-up.
  • Crush ten chamomile flowers in four tablespoons of olive oil and let it stand for two days. Apply with a cotton ball. This treatment is good for pain caused by excessive production of earwax.
  • Grate a radish and heat it. Wrap this in a thin cloth and hold it against one ear until it has cooled down.
Home treatments for earaches

How to avoid earaches and infections

  • Never use cotton balls to clean the ear.
  • Get throat infections treated.
  • Support your immune system.
  • Avoid sharing earphones.
  • Do not swim in lakes, ponds and rivers.
  • Avoid swimming in pools with a lot of chlorine.
  • Never put foreign objects in the ears.
  • Sleep on your side to support deflating.

The techniques in this article offer natural alternatives, but are never a good substitute for treatment from a medical expert. Therefore, always consult your doctor in case of serious medical conditions.

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