How To Remove Too Much Acid From Your Body

Did you know that baking soda is a great way to alkalize your body? Just like lemon water, which you can drink every day to help your body.
This is how you remove too much acid from your body

Your body’s pH is very important for good health. It makes it possible to discover whether your body has a healthy alkaline condition or whether your body has too much or too little acid.

When we talk about pH, we talk about potential hydrogen. This is a way to determine the concentration of hydrogen ions in the body. To better understand this concept, you should know that acid values ​​are measured on a scale of 1 to 14. Where 1 is the most acidic, 7 is neutral and 14 is the most alkaline.

A healthy body should have a pH between 7.3 and 7.45. Certain contaminants, poor eating habits and even stress can increase the acid level in your body and adjust your pH, reducing it and making it much more acidic.

When the body’s pH changes, the blood reacts and takes away nutrients that the rest of your vital organs need to function properly. It also makes the person tired and causes headaches, digestive problems and demineralization of the nails and hair, among other things.

Why is it important to balance my body’s pH?

When your body is slightly alkaline or in other words has a pH above 7, it can protect itself against certain diseases.

If, on the other hand, your body is experiencing high acid levels, then you are more likely to experience chronic problems such as diabetes, obesity, migraines, cataracts, cancer, arthritis, allergies, osteoporosis, and others.

Nutrition and pH

Lemon water with mint

Everything you eat and drink has a positive or negative influence on your pH. Some foods increase acid levels in your body, while others alkalize it. In general, animal and dairy products will raise your pH.

Fruit and vegetable products, on the other hand, have properties that make your pH more alkaline.

Since your body needs a balanced pH, you should try to consume a balanced amount of both of these food groups. Whenever possible, try to avoid foods that cause excess gas, such as fast foods and processed foods.

How can I remove acid in my body and balance my pH?

Baking Soda on a Spoon

In addition to healthy eating, there are also environmental factors that can affect your pH balance. Therefore, you should try to avoid toxic cleaning products and opt for natural products.

You should also keep the following tips in mind to combat too much acid and balance your pH:

  • Eat more green leafy vegetables that you eat and drink one green smoothie a day.
  • Try to get into the habit of drinking a lukewarm glass of water with lemon every day on an empty stomach (citric acid is great for alkalizing, even if it is acidic).
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables, especially raw, green vegetables.
  • Avoid processed and fried foods.
  • Avoid refined foods, such as sugar and flour.
  • Drink more water, preferably distilled water.
  • Try cleaning your home with natural products, such as baking soda, lemon, and vinegar.
  • Be very careful when choosing chemicals for beauty and hair care, as they can sometimes be toxic. Try to use as many natural products as possible for your appearance.
  • Eat more plant-based foods and add small portions of animal foods, but try to buy organic meats.
  • Start by adding products such as wheatgrass, barley, seaweed, cayenne and spirulina to your diet.
  • Drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of baking soda every day.

As you can see, it is very easy to remove  the excess amount of acid in your body and balance your pH.

You just need to adjust your lifestyle and eating habits to alkalize your body and enjoy better health.

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