How To Deal With Fluid Retention And Belly Fat?

Eating ginger ensures that fat burns faster and you feel that you are fully satiated. The same effect can be achieved with cinnamon, which raises the body temperature slightly.
How to combat fluid retention and belly fat?

Don’t we all suffer from fluid retention and belly fat? It is a fairly normal phenomenon during the aging process, as the metabolism slowly slows down, especially in women.

We therefore accumulate more and more fat in the abdominal area and have to deal with fluid accumulation more quickly. This article gives you some simple and tasty tips to quickly tackle these old age ailments.

Easily reduce belly fat and fluid retention

Tea against moisture accumulation

Is it really possible to tackle both of these issues at the same time, you might ask? Fighting fluid retention while losing a few pounds of fat? It’s possible, but don’t expect miracles.

We offer some simple, natural tips that are best followed daily to achieve the desired results. Changes sometimes follow the simplest treatments, as long as they are applied regularly and consistently.

This is certainly the case when working with medicinal plants. Which plants can be used here in the case of fluid retention and belly fat?


One of the most efficient medicinal plants that helps to burn fat. According to the experts, it is mainly the root of the plant that is the best ally in the fight against excess belly fat. You can find the root of dandelion in the specialized natural store.

The urine production is stimulated by the dandelion and it also ensures the cleaning and detoxification of the liver and kidneys. As a result, the blood sugar level comes into balance more quickly and inflammation in the abdominal cavity occurs less quickly. This wonderful plant therefore also provides a strong boost for the body’s immune system.

Freshly squeezed ginger

You may have read many times about the many miraculous properties of ginger for detoxifying the body, reducing inflammation and targeting body fat. According to studies conducted by the University of Maastricht , eating ginger speeds up the metabolism, which makes you burn fat faster.

Moreover, you get a nice feeling of satiety and you can start the day without immediately reaching for chocolate or sweets.


Did you know that using cinnamon in the kitchen is a great way to lose weight and burn fat? In addition, cinnamon also tastes delicious in combination with certain dishes and tea.

It is a pleasant and highly efficient way to lower blood sugar levels and balance insulin production.

It also causes a slight increase in body temperature. This creates various chemical reactions that influence the metabolism of the body. As a result of the increase in your body temperature, you will burn more calories. 


Do you also enjoy the aroma and taste of a delicious cup of mint tea? Not only tasty, but at the same time also health-promoting, because the functioning of the gallbladder is stimulated. More bile is released, allowing for faster digestion.

As with the medicinal plants described above, mint also promotes metabolism, allowing fat to be burned faster.

How do you make this treatment against belly fat and fluid retention?

Mint tea with ginger

You need the following ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon dandelion root
  • 1 tablespoon freshly grated ginger
  • A pinch of cinnamon
  • 5 mint leaves
  • One and a half cups of water
  • 2 teaspoons honey

How do you proceed?

A tight stomach

Get started with this very simple, natural recipe to get rid of fluid and fat accumulation around the waist for three weeks, three times a day.

Drink the first serving on an empty stomach just before breakfast and immediately after getting up. Don’t let this tasty infusion cool down and make sure all ingredients are fresh. They are readily available everywhere, but be sure to use the dandelion root, as mentioned above, for the best results.

Drink the second cup just after lunch to speed up digestion and detoxification. The last dose is taken before going to bed.

Always make sure that you serve the drink warm and in the evening the combination of honey, mint and ginger will also guarantee a good night’s sleep. This tea is not only conducive to losing a few pounds, but is also a wonderful tonic, bringing the body and digestion back into balance.

To make the tea, you only need one and a half cups of water, where you let all the ingredients infuse for about ten minutes. Then pour everything into a glass bottle or bowl and let it cool to slightly more than room temperature. Pour about a third of the drink at a time and repeat this three times a day for three weeks for optimal results.

Combine with healthy meals

Of course you know best that you combine this natural cure with daily healthy and balanced meals, which are free from harmful and saturated fats. In addition, opt for half an hour of exercise a day, such as a brisk walk to work and do not forget your daily bottle of water.

If you follow this natural treatment against fluid retention and belly fat together with a friend, you will certainly book a positive result even faster!

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