How Do You Make Rice Stuffed Artichokes?

Reap the delicious benefits of artichokes in this tasty and nutritious recipe. You don’t want to miss the delicious taste of rice-filled artichokes!
How do you make rice-filled artichokes?

Rice-filled artichokes are a perfect dinner option. Enjoy the delicious benefits of artichokes and surprise your whole family with their delicious taste! The combination of artichokes and rice is simply delicious.

Artichokes stuffed with rice

Artichoke is the edible flower head of the plant of the same name. It grows best in a temperate climate and can be enjoyed from about September to May.

As always, we would like to remind you to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables. Not only are they much tastier and more nutritious because they are sold very ripe (instead of ripening in boxes), but they are also much cheaper.

Nutritional value of artichokes

Green artichokes on a cutting board with a knife next to it

From a nutritional point of view, artichokes are mostly made up of water (making them an ideal food for warm seasons, as they hydrate you without you realizing it) and carbohydrates (mainly fiber and the compound inulin).

They mainly contain the minerals phosphorus and potassium. In fact, one serving of artichokes (300 grams) contains 20% of the recommended daily amount of phosphorus, an essential mineral to keep your teeth and bones healthy.

On the other hand, it is a very suitable vegetable for weight loss because it does not contain many calories, namely only 44 per 100 grams.

The nutritional value of rice

The other main ingredient in this recipe is rice, a grain that is rich in starch. Rice can be more or less viscous, depending on the content of amylose and amylopectin (the components of starch). In terms of nutritional value, rice stands out as a source of vitamin B3 and vitamin B6.

We recommend choosing whole grain rice as it retains the fiber, minerals and vitamins that the refining and polishing process of rice loses. Discover our easy recipe for rice-filled artichokes below! Enjoy your meal!

How to make rice stuffed artichokes

Four rice-filled artichokes on a white plate

Based on what has been said above, you can deduce that this dish is very nutritious. In addition to artichokes and rice, use onions, peas, and some spices to give the dish a unique flavor. However, remember that you can add any veggies you want!


  • 8 medium artichokes
  • 150 g brown rice
  • 1 large onion
  • 100 g peas
  • 5 tablespoons virgin olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon allspice
  • Fresh mint (to taste)
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 2 lemons
  • water (the amount needed)


  • First peel the onion and cut it into cubes.
  • Then heat the olive oil in a frying pan and add the diced onion. Fry it until it starts to turn translucent.
  • Add the rice and salt. Keep stirring so that the rice does not burn. Cook the rice in this way for about two minutes.
  • Chop the fresh mint and add all the spices to the pan, as well as the peas.
  • Then pour some water (about 400 ml) into the mixture and stir for about four minutes. Turn off the heat and set aside.
  • Cut the stems and tops of the artichokes. They are meant to be filled. That’s why you need to check how much space you need for the rice.
  • Remove the center of the artichokes, chop them finely and add them to the rice mixture.
  • Then cut a lemon and rub the center and edges of each artichoke leaf with it.
  • Remove the water from the rice mixture, but do not throw it away. Set it aside.
  • Then fill each artichoke with the rice and place in a large saucepan.
  • Slice the last lemon so you have one for each artichoke. Place one of these slices on each artichoke.
  • Then drizzle with virgin olive oil and sprinkle with sugar and a pinch of salt.
  • Finally, pour in the cooking liquid from the rice you set aside until you cover about three or four fingers of the artichokes and cook over low heat for 40 to 50 minutes.

What did you think of this rice-filled artichoke recipe?

As you’ve seen, it’s very easy to make, even if you need some patience as the artichokes take some time to cook. The result is well worth it. Be sure to try this recipe!

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