Home Remedies For Bloating

The foods we eat already contain more than enough salt, especially unnatural products. You should avoid adding more salt to your meal and try to buy foods that are low in salt.
Home remedies for bloating

Suddenly your pants are a little tighter or you feel like your stomach is like a balloon about to explode. Despite the exercise, you lose centimeters and calories everywhere, except your stomach. Why? You may be experiencing bloating.

Take a look at the article below to learn more about the best home remedies for bloating.

If you generally don’t overeat or if you’ve had enough after a few bites of food, you shouldn’t feel heavy or feel like you have a stone in your stomach.

There are a number of reasons why people suffer from bloating. These range from intolerance to certain foods, to allergies caused by ingredients that irritate the mucous membrane. In other cases, it could be a result of a digestive problem.

Many people who suffer from bloating also suffer from lactose intolerance.

In addition to watching what you eat and how these foods affect how your stomach functions, you can combat this sensation with home remedies for bloating and some natural tips.

Let’s see what we can do!

Woman with hands on stomach against stomach cramp

How can I reduce bloating?

Stop eating so much salt

Sodium is very bad for your health, especially when you consume it in large amounts. The recommended dose of sodium per day for an adult is 2.4 g. However, if you follow an unhealthy diet, you may be consuming twice as much.

So try to avoid adding extra salt to your meals. You can also check the nutritional values ​​on the products you buy and choose ones with less sodium.

Add more potassium to your diet

Foods with potassium, such as bananas or spinach, help your body get rid of excess fluids in your body, including in your stomach.

You can make a delicious smoothie with a banana and a medium papaya or eat a grilled potato with skin and a portion of cooked spinach.

An unpeeled banana

Don’t drink alcohol

Alcoholic drinks are harmful to your health for a number of fairly obvious reasons. If you’re experiencing bloating, it could be the result of alcohol fermenting in your gut, causing gas and bloating.

Cook your vegetables

It is true that eating raw vegetables is better for your body than the cooked kind, but if you suffer from bloating, then you should go for the second option. Uncooked foods can cause bloating because they take longer to digest.

Foods That Reduce Bloating


Eating foods containing these elements will not only help your body reduce bloating, but also help eliminate a wide variety of toxins from your body and blood.

You can find antioxidants in foods such as blueberries, apples, onions, celery and garlic. Eat four servings of these fruits or two or three of the aforementioned vegetables.


Fiber will help you fight bloating, so be sure to include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, rice, wheat flour, and oatmeal in your diet. However, be careful not to consume too many of these foods, as an overabundance of fiber can cause you to have intestinal gas.

Brown rice on a spoon

Low-fat foods

Foods low in fat are great for reducing bloating because they are much healthier than foods with a high amount of fat. Swap out your sandwiches for a bowl of grains and fruit, and instead of french fries, eat a carrot or some celery. Opt for grilled meats instead of fried.


Cumin, oregano and fennel are all very good for reducing bloating caused by too much gas in the stomach.

  • Fennel is also a great antiseptic, making it perfect for those days when you have diarrhea.
  • Cumin is both sedative and diuretic, making it great for those who suffer from fluid retention.
  • Oregano can improve digestion and since it is a diuretic, it is also good for the health of your liver and kidneys.
Cumin seeds


A good limewood tea can help you fight stress thanks to its calming properties. Other medicinal plants also achieve this goal, reducing your appetite and anxiety that makes you feel hungry, as a full stomach can make you feel even heavier.

Birch leaves are also great for reducing bloating, especially if it’s caused by your period.

Home remedy for bloating

This smoothie is a very efficient way to solve this problem with only four ingredients, which allow your body to eliminate retained fluid and gas that causes bloating.

  • The first ingredient is yogurt. Although some people may be lactose intolerant, yogurt is full of “good” bacteria that help you eliminate all the foods that ferment in your gut.
  • The second is ginger. This is great for days when you have indigestion, bloating and gas. This is because ginger is medicinal and can help prevent cramping.
  • The third ingredient is  a  banana, which is rich in potassium and thus helps you eliminate excess sodium.
  • And finally cardamom, a spice from India that aids digestion.

Place two or three cups of low-fat yogurt, two peeled and sliced ​​bananas, a tablespoon of grated ginger, and a quarter tablespoon of cardamom powder in a blender. You can also add half a cup of skim milk, two tablespoons of honey and half a cup of ice. Mix all ingredients together and enjoy!

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