Going To The Beach With Your Kids

It is always fun for children to go to the beach. Whether it’s their first time or they’re highly experienced, the outing requires both water and sun preparation and safety precautions.
Going to the beach with your kids

Gone are the days when you could go to the beach wearing just your swimsuit and sandals and a cooler with sandwiches and drinks. Taking your kids to the beach can be quite an undertaking these days. It doesn’t just have to be an unforgettable experience, but also a safe one.

If you bring a baby, the responsibility is even greater. This is mainly because you should try to protect his delicate skin from the intense sun. If your children are a bit older and already have experience with the sea, then you should not only take care of their skin, but also remain extra vigilant.

It is important to keep an eye on them while they are playing alone or with other new friends to have a great day at the beach. In any case, the fun begins for them as soon as they can get their feet wet!

Going to the beach with your kids

Two children under water

By taking certain precautions, you can have a great and safe day at the beach with your kids. Going to the beach with your kids requires some planning.

Of course, planning is more complicated if you go on vacation for several days instead of a day trip. In the same way it will not be difficult. Remember the following tips and precautions when going to the beach.

1. Make a list

Ideally, before taking your kids to the beach, you should make a list of everything you need. Then start crossing it out once each item reaches the bag or bags you want to take with you. Keep it simple and don’t pack too much.

You can sort it all by categories like:

  • Clothing
  • Underwear
  • Toys
  • Beach Essentials
  • Hygiene
  • Food and drink

Take all the medicines you need with you, especially if you are going away for the night. Plus, save your list: it makes your job easier on future outings!

2. Choose your beach

Going to the beach is a great way to expose your kids to nature. That is why you need to find the perfect location. Your itinerary should include a list of beaches suitable for children. For example, some requirements are:

  • It should have calm sea waves and clear swimming spots.
  • Also, it should have services such as access to fresh water and toilets and maybe even a restaurant or food service. This simplifies your meal preparations.
  • If there is also a lifeguard on duty, then you have found the perfect beach.

3. Get there early

Going to the beach with the kids is super exciting, so getting up early to leave on time won’t be a problem for anyone. The first to arrive usually get the best seats.

  • Pack a simple breakfast that you can all eat during the trip and plenty of drinking water.
  • Find a good location on the water so you can always have a direct view of your kids as they play in the waves.

4. Dress kids in colorful outfits

To make it easier for you to see where your kids are at all times, especially on crowded beaches, it’s best to dress them in colorful outfits. You can also give them hats that additionally protect them from the sun. This way you can find them immediately.

5. Always keep an eye on them

Boy on the beach with toy car

Keep an eye out for them at all times, even if your kids are a bit older and are champion swimming champions who can brave the waves on their own. Don’t take your eyes off them for too long.

The same goes for toddlers learning to walk, even if they just wet their feet on the shore and/or use a flotation device. Not only will you be able to help them when they need you, but you will be able to see how happy they are and imprint it in your memory forever.

6. Protect children from the sun

When you arrive at the beach, apply sunscreen to everyone immediately. Don’t forget to apply it to their feet, ears, and the backs of their legs. Apply more sunscreen every two hours or every time they get out of the water.

Encourage them to wear hats or caps, although some children will resist. Do your best to make wearing hats fun.

Around noon, they can wear a t-shirt to double the protection. However, it is best to stay in the shade for a while to avoid heat stroke.

7. Limit your alcohol consumption

It is preferable to stay away from alcohol and cocktails during your day at the beach with the children and save them for the end of the day to end the outing.

However, if you really want to drink them, limit your consumption to just a few glasses. Being 100% aware of the laughter and cheer of your kids playing in the sand is much more intoxicating.

8. Stay Well Hydrated

While kids reject anything that stops their moments of fun, encourage them to drink water or even eat some fruit every hour to keep them well hydrated.

Spout cups are perfect for this purpose as they can drink as fast as they want. While they’re at it, apply more sunscreen right away.

Also take some extra water with you to wash away sand from all kinds of body parts. However, if you forget, you can do the same with water from the sea as you prepare to return home, especially if there is no tap at the beach.

9. Pack Individual Snacks

If you go to the beach with your children, individual food packaging is very practical. Give each child a sandwich, a few pieces of fruit and some nuts and seeds or dry fruit and maybe even some crackers.

  • Bring some small plastic cups to serve snacks in.
  • You can also take fruit and vegetable salads and even add pasta or ground beef.

10. Organize fun games when you go to the beach

Boys do a showdown on the beach

When your kids are tired of swimming and building sandcastles (it will), try playing other games.

  • For example, you can play treasure hunt.
  • Always take a bottle or bucket with you. Filling and emptying into the sand is great fun for the little ones.
  • In addition, playing shark in the water is always a hit with children. (Of course you have to be the “evil” shark that drives its prey into the sea.)
  • Surfing is also fun, especially for older children.

Another fun game is to let kids bury you in the sand. Then get up like a sea monster and run after them for a while before giving yourself a good cleaning dip.

11. Set Rules and Behavioral Expectations

Also discuss references for your location on the beach so they can easily find you after swimming and playing. This is extremely important on busy beaches.

  • Being near the lifeguards is an unforgettable indication for them.
  • Otherwise , a flag or umbrella may work.

For older children, determine how deep they are allowed to swim. Common sense tells them to stay where the water doesn’t cover their shoulders. No matter how well they can swim, the sea is very different to swim in than swimming in a pool. Plus, there’s an undercurrent to be aware of.

12. Relax and enjoy going to the beach

Try to find a few moments of relaxation, whether it’s when another parent or family member can relieve you, or maybe when the baby is taking a nap. With older kids, you can just ask them to sit on the shore and watch what others are doing, or just enjoy the water getting their feet wet.

Don’t leave the beach without enjoying it yourself. It is very likely that you will be exhausted from the outing, but also very satisfied and happy.

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