Getting Rid Of Termites: 4 Effective Methods

How can you get rid of termites? Anything made of wood, be it furniture or floors, is susceptible to termites, especially in a humid environment.
Get rid of termites: 4 effective methods

There is  little pest that is so destructive  to a home as termites. These insects eat wood and are not only able to destroy your furniture, but also to affect the entire foundation of your house. Getting rid of termites can be a challenge, but this article will definitely get you started.

How do you know if you have termites? You can recognize a termite infestation by small yellow patches on the wood, as if it had been sprinkled with breadcrumbs. You can also see small holes in the wood. These are two clear signs that these unwelcome guests have holed up in your home.

These insects have a  preference for specific types of wood. If you have cedar or parota (guanacaste) wood at home, you are fairly safe. Termites are not fond of these types of wood. However, the following varieties are their favorites:

  • pine
  • Cypress
  • Kapok
  • balsa
  • alder

How to get rid of termites

Let’s get started. How can you banish termites from your home before it’s too late? Below are some recommendations and methods to get rid of these pests.

A termite on wood

1. Orange and Camphor

An easy way to get rid of termites is to place a jar of orange peel and camphor  in the drawers of your closet. Camphor is a whitish substance that resembles salt and can be used, among other things, as an insecticide. Make sure that it does not come into contact with your clothing, as this can cause stains.

2. Boric Acid Insecticide

You can find boric acid at the grocery store or garden center. Note that this is not the same as the medicinal boric acid sold in pharmacies.

  • Mix a teaspoon of boric acid with a tablespoon of sugar and a tablespoon of milk.
  • Fill bottle caps with this mixture and place them in the affected areas of your home.
  • Do not place the boric acid where children or pets can reach it, as it can be toxic.
  • Let it stand for three or four weeks. Termites reproduce quickly and are likely to be present in large numbers. Since termites usually bring food to their habitat, you can let them spread the poison to other termites themselves.
Get rid of termites with professional help

3. Other Tips

There is a lot of advice floating around on the internet about how to get rid of termites. However, some of this advice is ineffective  and we’ll explain why.

Spraying gasoline on the wood,  for example, will not work. The gasoline does not reach the inside of the wood and the termites live and eat here. In addition, it smells and is very flammable.

You may have come across tips that recommend using  kerosene, motor oil, or similar products. These remedies are also highly flammable and therefore not recommended.

4. Chemical wax

There are entire companies that are completely committed to fighting termites. Since millions of bugs can nest in one house,  it might not be a bad idea  to call in the professionals.

The advantage of this is that they use  controlled methods to eradicate the termites once and for all. This way, you can get rid of termites thoroughly and effectively and don’t give them a chance to reproduce.

How can you keep termites out?

If you live in a place where termites are common, the best solution to avoid the problem altogether is  by not having wooden furniture in your home. If you do decide to purchase wooden furniture, make sure it is of high quality so that the termites have a harder time attacking it.

Keeping your home clean and disinfected can also help, but is not a guarantee. Try to keep the wood dry and especially protect your pipes. This is where termites  live and reproduce  and this is happening at a very rapid pace.

Getting rid of termites is not easy and requires a lot of patience. But don’t worry, if you persist  you will banish them from your home. Hurry up, because the damage cannot be undone!

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