Four Tips To Reduce Snoring

Certain health problems or lifestyle habits can cause snoring. In this article, discover some alternative treatments that can help reduce this problem.
Four tips to reduce snoring

People who snore often want to find the ultimate solution to reduce their snoring – just like those who sleep next to them! Snoring can also be linked to other health problems, such as cardiovascular or respiratory diseases. Especially if someone snores every night.

In this article, we will share some alternative treatments for snoring whose properties have been explored. However, in some cases its use is based on anecdotal data. Still, they can help control snoring and avoid more invasive options.

Treatment for severe snorers

Snoring is the result of resistance in the passage of air to the lungs. It is also a symptom of breathing problems. When the snoring is severe, it is considered a sleep disorder.

For many years, the only treatment for very severe snorers has been surgery. This consists of electrical stimulation of the dilator muscles of the upper airway. Fortunately, there are other, less drastic options for less serious snorers.

A CPAP to reduce snoring

cpap machine

A CPAP is indicated for cases of obstructive sleep apnea because this condition prevents proper airflow during sleep. A CPAC is a machine that uses a face mask that goes over both the mouth and nose to maintain a continuous positive pressure on the airways.

Doctors prescribe this machine to treat sleep apnea and reduce snoring. This device uses air pressure to open the tongue and throat so that air can pass more easily. However, this machine can also cause side effects such as dry mouth and irritation from the noise.

Alternative Treatments to Control Snoring

1. Low Sodium Diet

Although not many studies have been done on it, experts suggest a low-sodium diet rich in natural diuretics. This can help control snoring as it reduces body fluids. The accumulation of fluid in the body is associated with the occurrence of sleep apnea and snoring.

When you lie down, this liquid presses on the area of ​​your throat. Therefore, reducing fluid retention may help relieve snoring. For this purpose, experts suggest the following guidelines:

  • Stop using salty salt with your meals.
  • Season the food with spices, herbs, garlic, onion, lemon, etc.
  • Avoid ultra-processed foods and high-sodium products such as sauces, soups, sausages, cured meats, preserves, soy sauce, cheese, etc.
  • Eat more fruits, vegetables and salads.

2. Ginger, Turmeric and Garlic

Ginger with turmeric and garlic

Second, we propose three medicinal foods with anti-inflammatory properties: ginger, turmeric and garlic. If consumed regularly, they can help reduce respiratory infections that fuel snoring.

You can include these foods in your diet or take them as supplements. They are also antioxidant and purifying remedies that help improve your overall health. Thus, using natural substances with anti-inflammatory effects can help reduce inflammation and control snoring.

3. Magnesium

The third alternative treatment to control snoring is magnesium supplements. Among other benefits, this mineral has the ability to:

  • to balance the nervous system.
  • reduce inflammation.
  • improve sleep quality.

However, you need to supplement the use of magnesium supplements with nutritional and lifestyle improvements to see results. In addition, supplements should only be taken under medical supervision.

4. Hypnotherapy

Some therapies such as hypnosis have been studied as a possible treatment for snoring, as well as its underlying causes. Hypnotherapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses guided relaxation and concentration methods. It is also used as an alternative treatment for alcoholism, smoking and weight loss.

Research shows that this hypnosis technique can help people recover after they have started snoring. This was achieved by putting the patient under hypnosis and thus reducing the intensity and duration of the snoring over time.

Ineffective treatments to control snoring

Today, you can find many devices and products that promise to help control snoring easily and naturally. These treatments are very tempting because they promise quick results, usually at reasonable prices. However, the effectiveness of these methods is usually not proven. A few examples of these products are:

  • bracelets with electrodes against snoring.
  • sprays for post-nasal drops. These can help, but only if the snoring is caused by nasal congestion, for example if someone has a cold.
  • Nasal strips to open the airways. The cheap variants only work superficially and not on the soft palate. So they only work in case of nasal congestion.

Now you know some natural options for controlling snoring. Diet changes can be helpful, as can hypnotherapy and taking magnesium supplements. You should also remember the importance of fighting obesity and not smoking.

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